Here below is a reading list to prepare for the high intensity meetings on 13-14 April. This list includes the final Design Team recommendations, the latest draft proposal, and the latest advice and consultation from Sidley Austin. 

Reading List

There are 10 items to read: documents #1-4 and the submitted DT recommendations (yellow status). The rest of the DTs are listed for information. 

  1. Draft Proposal v. 3.0
  2. Sidley Austin Post-Istanbul Memo (4 April)
  3. Sidley Austin Draft Response to Questions/Comments (9 April)
  4. Design Team Status (2 April)
  5. DT-A DT-A (service level expectations) did not submit on 10 April. Expected to complete work by 17 April. 
  6. DT-B  DT-B (ccTLD appeals) submitted recommendations to the CWG on 10 April.
  7. DT-C DT-C (customer standing committee) submitted recommendations to the CWG on 12 April.
  8. DT-D DT-D (authorization function) has been reviewed by CWG and incorporated into draft v.3.0.
  9. DT-E DT-E (sac 069) was completed by staff and incorporated into draft v.3.0.
  10. DT-F DT-F (relationship with RZM) did not submit on 10 April. Expected to complete work by 17 April. 
  11. DT-G DT-G (IANA intellectual property rights) is priority 2. Chairs to provide update.
  12. DT-H DT-H (.INT) is priority 2 and has not yet been addressed. Chairs to provide update.
  13. DT-I DT-I (competition policy and conflicts of interest) is priority 2. Chairs to provide update.
  14. DT-J DT-J (confidentiality and conflicts of interest) is priority 2. Chairs to provide update.
  15. DT-K DT-K (OFAC licensing) is priority 2. Chairs to provide update.
  16. DT-L DT-L (transition plan) submitted recommendations to the CWG on 11 April.
  17. DT-M DT-M (escalation) submitted recommendations to the CWG on 10 April.
  18. DT-N DT-N (periodic review) submitted recommendations to the CWG on 10 April.
  19. DT-O DT-O (budget) submitted recommendations to the CWG on 10 April.
  20. RED TEAM Red Team has been reassigned as a committee of the whole CWG. See section IV of draft v.3.0 for the outline proposed by staff



*You can download all of the documents at once by clicking on the "download all" button on the bottom left corner. 


  File Modified
PDF File SidleyResponse_9April.pdf Apr 11, 2015 by Grace Abuhamad
PDF File SidleyMemo_4April.pdf Apr 11, 2015 by Grace Abuhamad
PDF File N-PeriodicReviewofIANAFunctions-150410.pdf Apr 11, 2015 by Grace Abuhamad
PDF File DT O - 9 April 2015.pdf Apr 11, 2015 by Grace Abuhamad
PDF File DT M - Draft - FINAL clean - 10 April 2015.pdf Apr 11, 2015 by Grace Abuhamad
PDF File DT-L Proposal text final 10 4 15.pdf Apr 12, 2015 by Grace Abuhamad
PDF File DT C - Draft - Recommendation.pdf Apr 12, 2015 by Grace Abuhamad
PDF File DTB Report Final.pdf Apr 11, 2015 by Grace Abuhamad
PDF File CWG - Draft Transition Plan V3.0.0.pdf Apr 11, 2015 by Grace Abuhamad
PDF File CWG Design Teams - Status 2 April 2015.pdf Apr 11, 2015 by Grace Abuhamad


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