This agenda is tentative, pending availability of guests and speakers


  1. Outreach - A conversation with Sally Costerton - ICANN Global Engagement
    (a discussion as to how our efforts as a constituency fit with the broader global outreach effort)

  2. The implications of Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) for ISPs and connectivity providers

  3. The implications of IDN Varients for ISPs and connectivity providers

  4. Protection of IGO INGO identifiers in all gTLDs

  5. Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT2)

  6. ICANN operations plan and budget

  7. Thick Whois and new gTLD directory service working groups

  8. Outreach
    (plans for the upcoming year)

  9. Discussion regarding GNSO issues and working groups

  10. Any Other Business (AOB)

Remote participation

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