
Members:  Katrina Sataki, David McAuley, Martin Boyle, Mirana Tasic

Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson

Apologies:  Dejan Dukic


  1. Welcome and Roll Call
  2. Introduction Zoom
  3. Call for volunteers, results till date
  4. Role of GRC members working party
    • Need for consent form those who intend to participate
  5. Guideline : travel funding
    • Response and suggestions Nigel Roberts
  6. Finalization Guideline: Rejection Action petition process
  7. Finalization Guideline: Approval Action process
  8. Work plan until Panama
  9. AOB
  10. Next meeting and closure



Chat transcript: 

Katrina : Hello!
From Kimberly Carlson : Hello
From Joke Braeken : I will be taking notes offline, and will share them on the mailing list after the call.
From martin boyle : Hi all
From martin boyle : I can hear
From bart.boswinkel : Hi All
From dmcauley : Good morning all
From bart.boswinkel : Stephen has already used it!
From dmcauley : A little strange, I miss Adobe - never thought I'd say that
From martin boyle : @David: yes!
From martin boyle : This feels a bit clunky
From Joke Braeken : After the call, You are kindly invite to participate in the survey:

From dmcauley : And we were used to it
From bart.boswinkel : The sound quality is at least very good
From bart.boswinkel : better than Adobe
From Mirjana Tasic : Yes the sound is very good
From dmcauley : My sound good as well - but using phone line, not room
From martin boyle : Who's the telephone?
From dmcauley : might be me
From martin boyle : Ah: double David!
From dmcauley : That is me
From martin boyle : :-D
From martin boyle : Not convinced by the screen of tiles
From dmcauley : phone ending in 4154 is me
From bart.boswinkel : Kim What a re limitations, advantage compared to ADOBE
From martin boyle : Where is the raise hand on the bottom of the screen? I can't see it...
From dmcauley : Thanks Kim - will miss the notes and agenda in pods along the way
From Katrina : @Martin - in the Participants window
From martin boyle : ah: the participant screen
From dmcauley : That's is my question as well
From Joke Braeken : Liz Williams
From Kimberly Carlson : I have received consents over the weekend
From Joke Braeken : All of them have submitted their consent form
From dmcauley : Hand up
From Joke Braeken : the call for volunteers closes tomorrow
From Kimberly Carlson : Zoom is being recorded
From Kimberly Carlson : which will be posted after the call
From dmcauley : Kim will there be written and audio records?
From Kimberly Carlson : we are recording the Zoom room as well as audio only
From dmcauley : thanks
From Joke Braeken : David: I am taking notes as usual, however offline. I will send them to the mailing list afterwards
From Kimberly Carlson : certainly
From dmcauley : Thanks Joke
From dmcauley : I probably cannot at start
From Kimberly Carlson : Stephen and Mirjana are members
From Kimberly Carlson : Survey to evaluate Zoom (and WebEx):
From Mirjana Tasic : I have agreed to participate, and I have sent the consent
From Joke Braeken : the RWP members are published here:
From Joke Braeken : your name is included in that list Mirjana
From Kimberly Carlson : Minus Martin, who i just added to the mailing list this morning
From Joke Braeken : happy to do so
From dmcauley : Is it possible Nigel can provide a redline
From Joke Braeken : thank you David!
From dmcauley : Voluntold
From dmcauley : He is our Annex D expert
From dmcauley : Excellent point Katrina about updating
From dmcauley : LOL
From dmcauley : Let's hope we approve the rejection action and do not reject the approval action
From dmcauley : it is complicated - and important
From dmcauley : Yes Katrina - not as complicated as rejection action/annex D
From dmcauley : That's helpful Bart, thanks
From dmcauley : I agree Katrina
From Mirjana Tasic : My feeling is that it is better to keep it internal, for the first round
From dmcauley : And agree w/Mirjana
From Kimberly Carlson : 23rd @12:00 UTC
From dmcauley : sounds good
From Joke Braeken : You are kindly invite to participate in the survey:

From dmcauley : Joke - can you send link to list - i can't copy it here for some reason
From Joke Braeken : I will do so David
From dmcauley : Thanks
From Kimberly Carlson : thank you all, bye
From dmcauley : Thanks Katrina
From dmcauley : bye
From Mirjana Tasic : It works ok, and the voice wass good all the tima

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