00:27:09 Maureen Hilyard: Hi everyone.. :)
00:30:13 Gopal Tadepalli: Greetings. - Dr. T V Gopal, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy Campus, Anna University , Chennai, INDIA.
00:30:50 Silvia Vivanco: Hello all
00:30:54 Claudia Ruiz: Welcome Judith
00:33:52 Gopal Tadepalli: https://atlarge.icann.org/alses/apralo is my reference for all the discussions in the UIM WP Meetings. - Gopal T V
00:35:38 Judith Hellerstein: I agree with alan.
00:35:54 Judith Hellerstein: I have never heard that you need to be incorporated
00:38:55 David Mackey: Thanks Evin.
00:40:27 Gopal Tadepalli: In India, it is "Registered Society" with a Registrar of Societies. - Gopal T V
00:41:19 Claudia Ruiz: @Sebastien your audio dropped
00:42:30 Bachollet Sebastien - Euralo: I am back
00:43:07 David Mackey: Is there another forum in At-Large where the ALS discussion can be continued?
00:43:09 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: reconnected now via mobile
00:43:13 Alan Greenberg: The wording in the Wiki is incorrect. Let's not belabour the point.
00:43:40 Judith Hellerstein: i agree with you on this. it is out of scope
00:44:05 Maureen Hilyard: I agree too, but just to say that most ALSes become incorporated in order to apply for grants, not as a condition for joining ICANN.
00:44:47 Gopal Tadepalli: For reference: https://atlarge.icann.org/get-involved/about-als - Gopal T V
00:45:01 Silvia Vivanco: AI: EE will edit the wiki to clarify the incorporation of ALS issue
00:46:25 Claudia Ruiz: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s4Kf7uX1CPyN9KmvjWvtwx6nnMtZCBsJpb5WE4wht3Y/edit
00:46:43 David Mackey: Thank you Claudia :-)
00:47:01 Claudia Ruiz: You’re welcome
00:47:30 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: previous discussions re "incorporation" also noted the *great* variability in this in matter between jurisdictions, basically it is not a global or even pan regional concept and where the concept exists it rarely has parity... FYI
00:49:17 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: acknowledgement implies understood and the agree is to abide by
00:50:15 Esther Patricia Akello: +1 Cheryl
00:51:18 Bachollet Sebastien - Euralo: Learn the Updated Expected Standards of Behavior by reading through the infographic. Everyone who takes part in the ICANN multistakeholder process, including Board, staff, and those involved in Supporting Organization and Advisory Committee councils should review this document by clicking the link above.
00:51:29 Bill Jouris: Just to note, it is possible to agree to abide by rules *but still try to change them*
00:52:01 Bachollet Sebastien - Euralo: from the Ombuds web
00:52:18 Alan Greenberg: @Cheryl, wit was previously felt that "agree" implied you think they are good rules.
00:52:59 Gopal Tadepalli: IMHO, usage of the term "abide" brings along with it "without objection" clause. We need to be careful. - Gopal T V
00:53:02 Bill Jouris: @Alan, that's a quite unusual gloss on "agreeing to abide"
00:54:17 Judith Hellerstein: I agree with Alan
00:55:05 Alan Greenberg: @Bill, then simply "will abide"
00:55:10 Maureen Hilyard: The only constraints on leadership for any individuals should be those that are At-Large wide.. I don't think a note on leadership needs to be included here unless there was some difference from our normal rules
00:55:15 Judith Hellerstein: What we could say is that we are encouraging individual members to join working groups or take a leadership position
00:55:36 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I also don't think we should have proabitions, but if the one on ALS Leading roles stands then why not just specify that.
00:56:37 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: seperatly dealing with this as @Roberto advises seems wise to me
00:59:14 Sivasubramanian M: Individual membership could take shape as a process by which new individuals of certain technical an non-technical expertise from civil society and academia including from ngo/igos could join atlarge in their individual capacity. Some of the concerns expressed in these discussions arise from an assumption that individual members are likely to be from within the ICANN circle of participants
00:59:24 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: that order is best yes @Roberto
00:59:33 Maureen Hilyard: +1
00:59:39 Sarah Kiden T: Agree
01:00:02 DANIEL K. NANGHAKA: Despite of whether one is Individual or Member of ALSes, what is required is participation and engagement in Policy Development Processes and Activities of At-Large and ICANN
01:00:03 David Mackey: @Gopal Thanks for the reference link to the About ALS wiki page. The following comment is likely out of the scope of this Working Party, but … we may wish to revisit the design of this wiki page in order to to better connect potential new ALSs and new RALO Individual Members with the work coming out of the two mobilization working parties over the last year.
01:02:40 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: well noted @David, and of course the wiki as is is current (hopefully) and historical (usually) but post this work should be changed so smarter updating then makes great sense to me ... and lots of pages need a review/renew/revamp...
01:03:31 David Mackey: @CLO Lots of fun work for the future. :-)
01:03:51 Heidi Ullrich: Likely part of the staff’s normal end of year work
01:04:01 Heidi Ullrich: With ALSes and now individuals
01:04:14 Alan Greenberg: @Heidi. Correct.
01:04:22 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: agreed @Heidi
01:04:26 David Mackey: @Heidi, that would be nice :-)
01:04:39 Gopal Tadepalli: For reference: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/expected-standards-15sep16-en.pdf [Abide also means bear, endure, stand, suffer, and tolerate]. I suppose we refer to the earlier discussion on Agree / Accept. - Gopal T V
01:04:53 Gopal Tadepalli: Any model SOI ? - Gopal T V
01:05:35 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: Please move the document up so we can see where we are
01:07:03 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: I am lost here
01:08:28 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: it is a reasonable aspiration to get people to see and attest to
01:10:05 Esther Patricia Akello: okay that’s fine by me
01:11:42 Maureen Hilyard: So we are encouraging ALS members to pull out of their ALS and become an individual member so that they have a vote in their own right, rather than or in addition to, that of their ALS?
01:11:56 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: good catch@Alan
01:12:18 Heidi Ullrich: You’re hired, Alan! :)
01:12:41 Maureen Hilyard: My apologies. I have to leave now.
01:13:01 Yrjo Lansipuro: “Leader of an ALS” (point 5) should be defined. Does it mean the Chair of an ALS, or all members of the Board?
01:13:16 Alan Greenberg: Much of my life is privacy (and GDPR) issues these days.
01:13:17 David Mackey: better wording? .. “will have the right to vote in aggregate as a RALO individual member community”
01:13:35 David Mackey: within the RALO individual member
01:13:57 David Mackey: I don’t think the word works as it stands right now
01:14:02 David Mackey: wording
01:15:10 David Mackey: +1 Alan
01:15:27 Silvia Vivanco: +1 Alan
01:16:11 Sarah Kiden T: +1
01:16:19 Esther Patricia Akello: +1 Alan
01:18:19 Esther Patricia Akello: @Roberto - I agree with you 
01:18:21 Alan Greenberg: I was *NOT* saying to change this recommendation. I said we should elaborate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01:18:28 Esther Patricia Akello: it’s not fair for sure
01:21:08 Gopal Tadepalli: For reference: https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/file/field-file-attach/2016-12/op-procedures-01sep16-en.pdf . IMHO, this is good for taking a view on SOI and Voting. - Gopal T V
01:22:11 David Mackey: It would be good for the ALAC to become stronger from the mobilization work so that it’s harder to dismiss the ALAC as only a “small group of volunteers” by others. We need to mobilize AND unite the ALSs and the RALO individual members to meet ALAC’s mandate. A united front is a positive thing for ALAC.
01:22:56 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: yes I support Vote rights here
01:23:15 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: exactly @Davif
01:23:30 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: David opps typo
01:23:56 David Mackey: No worries @CLO. I’ve been called worse, lol
01:24:15 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: ;-)
01:24:44 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: yes @Alan these changes should strengthen At-Large
01:25:09 Sivasubramanian M: got disconnected before reading chat. when reconnected, chat window doesn't show chat from beginning.
01:25:27 Judith Hellerstein: @sivas, you can download the chat at the end of the call
01:25:41 Judith Hellerstein: That is normal in zoom
01:26:32 Claudia Ruiz: @Siva - chat will be posted in the agenda if you wish to view it
01:26:59 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: bye for now
01:27:03 Heidi Ullrich: bye.
01:27:03 DANIEL K. NANGHAKA: Bye all
01:27:04 David Mackey: Thanks Roberto, Thanks All :-)
01:27:04 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: thank you all
01:27:08 DANIEL K. NANGHAKA: Thanks bye all
01:27:13 Sarah Kiden T: Thank you

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