20:36:18 From Michel TCHONANG : Hi everyone
20:47:56 From volker greimann : sadly these rules will not deter those idiots we had earlier
20:53:07 From Joanna Kulesza : Hi everyone, thanks for joining!
20:54:18 From Michelle DeSmyter : When submitting a question or comment that you want me to read out loud on the mic, please type your question or comment in English and start with a <QUESTION> and end with a “</QUESTION>” or <COMMENT> </COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the microphone.
20:56:02 From Jeffrey Neuman : Hello. I heard about the uninvited guests you had during your last session. Sorry you had to deal with that. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing the rest of the meeting.
20:56:34 From Joanna Kulesza : Thanks @Jeff, fingers crossed
20:57:06 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Yes @Jeff needed to tweek a few things re muting etc., to make is a whole lot less fun for *some*
20:57:55 From Michelle DeSmyter : If you have a question, you will not have the ability to unmute yourself during this meeting, staff will be have to unmute your line if you have a question. Thank you so much.
20:58:03 From Sarah Wyld : Thank you to the Staff team for moderating speakers.
20:58:45 From James Galvin (Afilias) : +1 Sarah! the zoom bombing is AWFUL in the extreme. so sad.
20:58:57 From Goran Marby : H I all
20:59:05 From Michelle DeSmyter : When submitting a question or comment that you want me to read out loud on the mic, please type your question or comment in English and start with a <QUESTION> and end with a “</QUESTION>” or <COMMENT> </COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the microphone.
20:59:10 From Dickson Chew : Hi Goran!
20:59:28 From Priyatosh Jana : hi everyone
20:59:32 From Bruna Santos : Everything is going to work out just fine, thank a lot to the staff for the quick moderation.
20:59:44 From Herb Waye Ombuds : Greetings everyone
20:59:49 From Dave Kissoondoyal : Hello everyone
20:59:51 From Tijani : Hi there
20:59:54 From Jan Jacob Jansalin : I didn't know something happened earlier. I thought I was late already.
20:59:59 From Priyatosh Jana : greetings from India
21:00:01 From Aris Ignacio : Hello everyone!
21:01:08 From Joanna Kulesza : Hi everyone, thanks for joining!
21:01:23 From Sergio Salinas Porto : hi everyone!!!!
21:01:28 From Dave Kissoondoyal : Impressive number of participants on this session before the start of it
21:01:54 From Heidi Ullrich : Welcome, All to the 2nd At-Large session
21:02:06 From Joanna Kulesza : Looks like we're good tp start
21:02:31 From Michelle DeSmyter : Please note, if you have a question, you will not have the ability to unmute yourself during this meeting, staff will be have to unmute your line. If you have a question please raise your hand and staff will unmute you, thank you so much.
21:02:40 From Minata ZONG-NABA : Hello dear all
21:02:43 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Greetings all
21:02:59 From Michelle DeSmyter : When submitting a question or comment that you want me to read out loud on the mic, please type your question or comment in English and start with a <QUESTION> and end with a “</QUESTION>” or <COMMENT> </COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the microphone.
21:05:39 From Heidi Ullrich : Action Items for At-Large Sessions at ICANN68 will be taken at: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ALAC+and+At-Large+Action+Items+from+ICANN68
21:05:59 From humbertocarrasco : Thanks Heidi!!
21:06:56 From Vanda Scartezini : hi again friends.
21:07:28 From Michelle DeSmyter : Please note, if you have a question, you will not have the ability to unmute yourself during this meeting, staff will be have to unmute your line. If you have a question please raise your hand and staff will unmute you, thank you so much.
21:11:20 From claudia.ruiz : In response to Zoom bombers we have, effective immediately, disabled attendee rights to unmute and to rename themselves in all Zoom sessions. Any participant violating the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior will be removed. We will continue to assess our options to avoid these disruptions and provide updates for any further changes.
21:12:31 From Judith Hellerstein : Please post the link to the agenda in the chat so people can view the slides or people who are turning in who are unable to see the screen as shown
21:13:03 From Reg Levy - Tucows : @Claudia Ruiz: thank you for your speedy response to that!
21:13:49 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : fyi here is our resource on Covid 19
21:13:50 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : https://padlet.com/acalderon/COVID19
21:13:59 From fujiwara : Where is today's slide ?
21:15:02 From Maxim Alzoba : websites need IP addresses, not necessary dns names
21:15:04 From Reg Levy - Tucows : there are so many “might”s in that “provocative” statement, which I think answers the question: this is not DNS abuse.
21:15:48 From Owen Smigelski (Namecheap) : So while this presentation is nice, is it based in reality or data about levels of abuse in the DNS?
21:15:56 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : What is Yros's twitter handle?
21:16:26 From Michel TCHONANG : Thank Joanna
21:16:42 From León Felipe Sánchez Ambía : Sun is always up in Finland this time of the year Ergo!
21:16:53 From humbertocarrasco : yep
21:16:53 From León Felipe Sánchez Ambía : *Yrjo
21:18:17 From Joanna Kulesza : @Owen We willbe discussing "acceptable levels" of DNS abuse in one of the following sessions, please consider this an introduction to that discussion.
21:18:35 From Michelle DeSmyter : When submitting a question or comment that you want me to read out loud on the mic, please type your question or comment in English and start with a <QUESTION> and end with a “</QUESTION>” or <COMMENT> </COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the microphone.
21:20:00 From Vanda Scartezini : Finland. yes I had the opportunity to well north, the night never comes
21:20:16 From Owen Smigelski (Namecheap) : I work for a registrar, and the levels of “abuse” have been the same. Similar levels of abuse. Just a bit more towards corona in March and April, and registrars did amazing efforts to combat. But where are there facts about COVID abuse otherwise?
21:20:52 From Joanna Kulesza : @Owen, thank you for all of these, do feel free to share your thoughts in the Q&A round, would that work?
21:21:11 From Vanda Scartezini : OWEn.. good to know. I have not experience any abuse in my work all this time of quarantine
21:22:11 From Owen Smigelski (Namecheap) : Of course, I would love to share how the 3rd largest registrar dealt with this abuse. And it’s similar to what other registrars did
21:22:26 From Owen Smigelski (Namecheap) : And it is nowhere near as bad as what is being said.
21:22:57 From Joanna Kulesza : Great to have you here @Owen!:) good to know - consoling news.
21:23:42 From Reg Levy - Tucows : @Vanda, that’s excellent to hear!
21:24:04 From Vanda Scartezini : yes guess brasil is not relevant for abuse….
21:25:09 From Michelle DeSmyter : When submitting a question or comment that you want me to read out loud on the mic, please type your question or comment in English and start with a <QUESTION> and end with a “</QUESTION>” or <COMMENT> </COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the microphone.
21:25:11 From Reg Levy - Tucows : No, I think your experience is representative of what the data shows.
21:25:28 From Owen Smigelski (Namecheap) : I’m sorry, but does Yrjo have cites or links to support his statements? Because he’s making a lot of really inflammatory statements and… it’s not what I’ve seen.
21:25:36 From Vanda Scartezini : Reg, my be.. kisses
21:26:24 From Michelle DeSmyter : If you have a question, you will not have the ability to unmute yourself during this meeting, staff will have to unmute your line. If you have a question please raise your hand and staff will unmute you, thank you so much.
21:26:40 From Joanna Kulesza : @Owen, we'll take that Q in the Q&A. Thank you.
21:27:52 From Owen Smigelski (Namecheap) : OK, sure, but I just need to chime in that what he’s saying is not reflective of reality.
21:28:13 From James Galvin (Afilias) : According the webinar done by CPH on 11 June — found here: <https://www.rysg.info/webinars-and-presentations> — that among 10s of thousands of COVID related domain name registrations, there have only been hundreds of DNS abuse related actions taken. in other words, this fear of DNS abuse related to COVID simply does not exist. on the other hand, website content abuse related to COVID is quite real, just as website content abuse related to all kinds of health and crisis issues is quite real.
21:28:44 From Owen Smigelski (Namecheap) : +1 James
21:28:50 From Maxim Alzoba : policymaking needs to be factually based, not emotions based
21:28:58 From Brian Cimbolic : The Framework would absolutely consider Covid/cure related sites on domain names as Website Content Abuse questions, not DNS Abuse - that’s a bright line definition. That’s not to say a Registry or Registrar should not action them but it would not be acting on DNS Abuse.
21:29:05 From Kevin Kopas (ShortDot) : +1 James, we have seen the same.
21:29:51 From Tobias Sattler : Is there actually any data to back up these statements? I somehow only saw one slide?
21:30:35 From Maxim Alzoba : factual numbers are fixed (it there is a period in the past to look at)
21:30:59 From Brian Cimbolic : For .ORG, the data was there were 14,700 domain name registrations related to Corona/Covid through May, with a total of 13 as actionable for DNS Abuse after put through multiple feeds and manual investigation
21:31:24 From Roberto : @Brian there’s actually a huge difference - the latter implies action on contents, while DNS abuse does not
21:31:52 From Sergio Salinas Porto : <COMMENT> In Argentina, the government is making some efforts.
It has frozen rates until the end of the year for Internet, Cellular Telephony and digital TV.
The delivery of the first 400,000 netbooks to young public school students is also planned.
Students will be able to access university portals with their phones without consuming data.
The organization that I represent (Internauta Argentina, Argentine Association of Internet Users) has promoted a national campaign so that the Internet, Cellular Telephony and subscription TV are declared Essential Public Services.
If this is declared so, the State will be able to better coordinate the development of private sector infrastructure and also regulate rates.
Up to now 60 other social, political and union organizations have been added, which make up the promotion committee.
In a few days we will be presenting the bill in the national congress, one of our foundations is based on an internet declaration as Human Right by the United Nations Human Rights Council in
21:31:59 From Brian Cimbolic : True, but that 13 actually includes searching for Website Content Abuse questions such as selling false cures
21:32:22 From Roberto : @Brian understood, thx
21:33:08 From Sergio Salinas Porto : <COMMENT>You can see our campaign at: https://www.internetesencial.org</COMMENT>
21:34:52 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Alex Ioannis Kargopoulos, EUFRA https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/agencies/fra_en
21:35:02 From James Galvin (Afilias) : for Afilias TLDs - 25 TLDs for which we are the registry operator - after reviewing almost 5,000 registrations that were found to be COVID related, only 78 turned out to be actionable, and all actions were website content based, not DNS abuse based.
21:35:09 From Joanna Kulesza : FRA COVID bulletins: https://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2020/covid19-rights-impact-april-1
21:35:46 From Shradha Pandey : Thanks Glenn!!
21:37:09 From Ham : Good morning everyone
21:37:41 From Ham : my name is Ham
21:37:44 From Vanda Scartezini : here telecom is not cut for non payment problem.
21:37:51 From Ham : from Uganda
21:37:53 From Vanda Scartezini : hi Ham
21:39:01 From Sergio Salinas Porto : @vanda It is very good news, the same in Argentina
21:40:14 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Telco issues are tracked in the US by NDIA who host a Net Inclusion conference.
21:40:16 From James Bladel : Is the slide deck not advancing for me or is this session just a single slide?
21:40:19 From Gregory Shatan : I think there is a definitional issue around the term "DNS Abuse." The "Framework" proposes a narrow definition for the term.
21:40:32 From Mark Svancarek : I see no slide deck
21:40:38 From Bruce Tonkin : Just a single slide I think James.
21:40:38 From Vanda Scartezini : government is not controlling people here - the quarantine is mandatory and people are following the protocols but no surveillance on the people.
21:40:42 From Maxim Alzoba : it seems to be a legal update on EU
21:40:53 From James Bladel : Thank you for confirming Bruce & Mark SV
21:40:58 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : @staff so we have any slides?
21:41:06 From Joanna Kulesza : @James Alex does not have slides
Just the intro
21:41:21 From James Galvin (Afilias) : DNS Abuse Framework - http://dnsabuseframework.org
21:41:25 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : I recommend seeing the slides James Galvin menitioned earlier
21:41:44 From Vanda Scartezini : thanks Glenn
21:42:52 From Vanda Scartezini : what we have here is University of SP asking for feeling from be in quarantine - for statistics and study proposals.
21:43:23 From Sergio Salinas Porto : In Argentina, citizens remain in quarantine for more than 95 days, the State has not monitored citizens' data
21:43:34 From Maxim Alzoba : apps not necessary use DNS, might work just over IP
21:43:44 From Michelle DeSmyter : Reminder: When submitting a question or comment that you want me to read out loud on the mic, please type your question or comment in English and start with a <QUESTION> and end with a “</QUESTION>” or <COMMENT> </COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the microphone.
21:43:52 From Joanna Kulesza : Thanks @James, please note the framework is consensual and non binding. I believe we're still discussing the scope of DNSAbuse - this is a contribution to that debate.
21:43:59 From Vanda Scartezini : yes if they have legal access to such data.
21:44:19 From David Conrad : Re: covid-19 related phishing/malware distribution, in ICANN OCTO we looked at over 600,000 covid-related (and variants, including medications and homoglyphs, in 10 languages) domains, of which we filed reports to registrars on a couple of dozen.
21:45:49 From Mark Datysgeld : Any further data on that, @David Conrad?
21:46:19 From Maxim Alzoba : wall might prevent bluetooth from connecting (glass might be a better example)
21:46:41 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Session DetailsThis session seeks to address concerns of individual users worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic, disinformation, public health and surveillance. It aims to answer questions on how to best protect end user interest in time of the pandemic, with due regard to cases of advanced data collection, including through online and mobile service providers as well as protect end users from online disinformation, prying on increased health concerns around the globe. Whether unique offers of COVID-19 vaccines available online or custom designed apps used for tracing those who have been exposed to the virus, the pandemic has shed a new light on the challenges online communications bring to protecting end user interests online. We would like to use this opportunity to welcome opinions from among the ICANN community on whether we’re facing a changed paradigm on effective end user protection online. What are the limits of online service providers rights and obligations when it comes to sharing end user infor
21:46:42 From Gregory Shatan : More importantly, the Framework is "consensual" only among registries and registrars, some of whom are advancing that particular definitional framework.
21:47:33 From Maxim Alzoba : @Greg, it is always case by case, there are rights of the Registrants on the other end of the contractual chain
21:47:36 From volker greimann : <question> how is this (covid apps) relevant to icanns mission?
21:48:07 From James Bladel : Comment - we are way off track with this
21:48:22 From David Conrad : @mark have a bit of data — we intentionally set a high bar for what we would forward to the registrars as we wanted to avoid adding noise to their abuse handling processes. And we were focused exclusively on phishing and malware distribution.
21:48:24 From Joanna Kulesza : @Volker this is what we're exploring. If they infringe upon significant end user interest they might be considered abuseive
21:48:28 From Joanna Kulesza : *abusive
21:48:42 From Gregory Shatan : The point is that the Framework is a registry/registrar document.
21:48:55 From Jeffrey Neuman : I think the questions, is why this is a discussion at ICANN as opposed to IGF meetings?
21:49:24 From Maxim Alzoba : @Greg, Registrants also have policies to follow
21:49:24 From Gregory Shatan : Why not both @Jeff?
21:49:37 From Jennifer Chung : @Jeff, indeed it will most definitely be discussed at IGF.
21:49:45 From Maxim Alzoba : it is not relevant to the topic of DNS Abuse
21:49:57 From Jeffrey Neuman : @Greg, because this what is being discussed now is not an issues that involves ICANN's narrow mission
21:50:12 From Mark Datysgeld : @David Conrad, thank you. If any non-private raw data can be shared, that would be rather valuable.
21:50:14 From Gregory Shatan : The victims of Abuse are not registrants -- the concern is the individual internet user -- the "end user."
21:50:20 From Joanna Kulesza : We're trying to explore whether end user protection goes beyond consumer fraud as we've seen it thus far
21:50:48 From Gregory Shatan : @Jeff, I think you've defined a critical question, but you have put it In the form of a statement .
21:50:52 From Joanna Kulesza : If they are abuse, enabling them should be considered infringing as per the framework.
21:51:14 From Vanda Scartezini : yes Joanna, quite interesting session. congrats
21:51:32 From Gregory Shatan : We should have this discussion, but this is probably not the time, while a presentation is going on.
21:51:37 From Jeffrey Neuman : @Greg, then I can rephrase. How is contact tracing for COVID related to ICANN's mission of the coordination of Names and Numbers?
21:52:17 From Joanna Kulesza : @Jeffrey because if they are abuse provides should disable sites that host them, just as with COVID cures.
21:52:25 From Maxim Alzoba : @Greg, DNS Abuse might be targeting the Registrants (hacked accounts), and also - neglecting obligations before Registrants is a violation of a contract
21:52:25 From Gregory Shatan : @Jeff, not my presentation. I'm here to learn.
21:52:53 From Gregory Shatan : @Maxim, I agree that registrants can also be victims. Here we are focus on the end user issues.
21:53:06 From Reg Levy - Tucows : <QUESTION> ALAC members have spent a lot of time and effort putting together a wonderful presentation on the consumer protection and privacy concerns represented by COVID-19, including actions by governments and corporate persons, but has failed to draw any relationship to the DNS, even in light of evidence presented to the contrary: what does ALAC believe participants should take away from this session, from an ICANN perspective?
21:53:08 From claudia.ruiz : In response to Zoom bombers we have, effective immediately, disabled attendee rights to unmute and to rename themselves in all Zoom sessions. Any participant violating the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior will be removed. We will continue to assess our options to avoid these disruptions and provide updates for any further changes.
21:53:14 From David Conrad : @mark The data we used is publicly available (CZDS and DNS reputation feeds, e.g., virustotal, phishtank, etc).
21:53:56 From Mark Datysgeld : Will check Virustotal, thanks @David Conrad.
21:54:13 From Maxim Alzoba : @Greg, not taking into account Registrants rights while ‘fighting the abuse’ is an abuse of other Internet users
21:55:04 From Gregory Shatan : @Maxim, I did not say anytihng about "not taking into account Registrant's rights."
21:55:14 From Manju Chen : It would be nice if we had someone from the APAC region sharing since ICANN68 was supposed to be held in APAC
21:57:03 From Reg Levy - Tucows : <QUESTION> ALAC has expressed concerns about data tracking and personal rights, especially with regard to COVID-19 status and contact-tracing. How does this jibe with ALAC’s position that whois data should be fully public? Are end-users who own domain names not entitled to privacy rights? If not, why not?
21:57:35 From Holly Raiche : @Manju - I think you would find that there are a lot of Participants in this meeting from this region - starting with the ALAC Chair, from the Cook Islands
21:57:45 From Joanna Kulesza : Thank you @Reg, we're taking Qs down and will try to address them in the Q&A section
21:58:13 From Gregory Shatan : @Reg, where do you see that ALAC's position is that WHOIS data should be "fully public"? I don't believe that's accurate.
21:58:38 From Dave Kissoondoyal : More than 200 participants if dial outs included
21:58:46 From Maxim Alzoba : the presentation might be presented on some developers conference to ensure they do the right thing
22:00:40 From Manju Chen : @Holly thanks for reply! what I was trying to say is that it’d be nice to have some speakers from APAC for this session :) What Alex was sharing about contact-tracing apps in Europe is interesting, and it’d be nice if we hear the same regarding APAC.
22:00:42 From Alan Greenberg : @Reg, The ALAC supports the rights or registrants, but at times there is a balancing required between the rights of registrants, and the rights of the FAR GREATER number (approaching 5 billion) non-registrant users.
22:00:42 From Reg Levy - Tucows : @Greg: ALAC has been supporting positions that encourage unfettered access to whois data. If this is not ALAC’s position, that would be wonderful to hear them say publicly.
22:01:03 From Michelle DeSmyter : Reminder: When submitting a question or comment that you want me to read out loud on the mic, please type your question or comment in English and start with a <QUESTION> and end with a “</QUESTION>” or <COMMENT> </COMMENT>. Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the microphone.
22:01:17 From Maxim Alzoba : ALAC should promote RDAP more, WHOIS is to be replaced
22:01:49 From Gregory Shatan : @Reg, I don't believe that's an accurate statement. You can take a look at the EPDP, or at any ALAC comment regarding the EPDP.
22:02:13 From Reg Levy - Tucows : Yes, Greg. That is what I am looking at. But I look forward to being proven incorrect, especially given Alan’s confirmation of that position.
22:02:27 From volker greimann : <comment> this is mainly content abuse though? how is that a role for ICANN?
22:02:34 From Gregory Shatan : @Maxim, I think we are using "WHOIS data" to refer to the data itself and not the specific database.
22:02:38 From Jonathan Zuck : @Reg, pretty sure that the ALAC have never advocated for “unfettered” access to registrant data but we DO want to make sure there’s efficient access to it for the folks who need it to protect consumers. Not sure the hyperbole is helpful.
22:02:53 From Mark Svancarek : @Reg, within EPDP ALAC does not promote unfettered access to contact data. They support SSAD, a system for accredited users to request data to be lawfully disclosed undr a system of safeguards
22:02:58 From Holly Raiche : Thank you Alan - I was about to say much the same thing.
22:03:00 From Gregory Shatan : @Reg, can you be more specific. I have not heard Alan Greenberg adopt that position, much less "confirm it."
22:03:19 From Alan Greenberg : @Reg, unfettered access to WHOIS might or might not be a good things, but under GPDR and comparable legislation, it is not a reality and the ALAC well understands that. What we do support is reasonable access for those who have legitimate and legal need. We have said that VERY clearly.
22:03:21 From Maxim Alzoba : @Greg, adding ‘or RDAP’ will help end users to get used to the new thing
22:03:35 From Reg Levy - Tucows : +1 Maxim
22:04:18 From Gregory Shatan : Thank you, Alan, for setting the record straight.
22:04:59 From Gregory Shatan : @Maxim, that may be true and nice to have, but let's not let semantics take us away from substance.
22:05:26 From Reg Levy - Tucows : I’m pleased to hear that ALAC supports reasonable access, as defined under the GDPR. Thank you, Greg and Alan, for clarifying that. Most of what I had seen did not take into account the necessary balancing of rights that must occur with each request for release of personal data but I sit corrected.
22:07:09 From Holly Raiche : @ Mangu - I think the various positions in APAC vary. In Australia, we are having a debate on the use of an app for contact tracing - whether it works/violates privacy, It is based on the Singapore App - but then each country is responding to the issues in its own way.
22:07:29 From Maxim Alzoba : @Greg, are you aware that WHOIS is going down soon? Are End users aware?
22:07:52 From Alan Greenberg : @Reg, I would really like to know what you are looking.
Some in At-Large (and elsewhere) might like or want "unfettered access" and a return to fully open WHOIS/RDS. But there are a lot of things that I and others might want that are purely dreams and fantasies. And sadly I am old enough to know the difference.
22:07:56 From Joanna Kulesza : @Holly that's why we've gone with Eu as it seems a bit easier to tackle in terms of legislation and still: no uniform approach to this specific issue - most of the apps are bluntly illegal.
22:08:47 From Gregory Shatan : @Reg, the GDPR applies only to EU Data Subjects, who are natural persons. As for the "necessary balancing of rights" discussion -- I'll let Alan, Mark Sv and other EPDP participants hash that out -- there seem to be some unsettled issues in that discussion (to say the least).
22:09:09 From Reg Levy - Tucows : +1 Joanna
22:09:34 From Gregory Shatan : @Alan, there are also those with fantasies of global GDPR for all persons, legal and natural....
22:09:52 From Joanna Kulesza : + the in/famous GDPR transboundary effect.
22:10:06 From Reg Levy - Tucows : Precisely as Joanna says
22:10:45 From James Galvin (Afilias) : does anyone have the link to the CircleID article that Marita mentioned when she started?
22:11:26 From Manju Chen : http://www.circleid.com/posts/20200613-un-secretary-generals-roadmap-on-digital-cooperation/
22:11:41 From Mark Datysgeld : Thank you, @Manju Chen
22:11:51 From Manju Chen : my pleasure!
22:12:25 From James Galvin (Afilias) : @manju thanks!
22:12:41 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : CO2 emissions of international conferences
22:12:47 From Jeffrey Neuman : <Question> What is the definition of a "Volunteer Constituency?" Isnt that every constituency?
22:13:05 From Lianna Galstyan : The environmental topic is included in this year IGF thematic track.
22:13:30 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Aviation contributes about 2% of the world's global carbon emissions, according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA). It predicts passenger numbers will double to 8.2 billion in 2037..
22:14:01 From volker greimann : i thought ALAC is made up by local entities? surely there should be thousands of members of those entities willing to step up?
22:15:10 From Roberto : @Jeff True, but there are people who attend ICANN stuff as part of their day job, others do not. I guess this is the difference
22:15:40 From volker greimann : local meetings? isn‘t the
22:15:52 From volker greimann : that the reason for our usual travels?
22:17:03 From Matt Serlin : These topics re: meetings are actually very good points and I think it will be interesting to see what ICANN Org’s view is moving forward after we get out of this current situation
22:18:26 From Reg Levy - Tucows : thank you, Marita, that was insightful
22:18:34 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you, Marita!
22:18:37 From Jeffrey Neuman : I agree that COVID 19 exacerbates some of the Multi-stakeholder Model issues, but at the end of the day, there are number of issues that we have that are around with or without the pandemic.
22:18:57 From Bukola Oronti : thank you Marita
22:19:13 From Mark Datysgeld : Let's not forget about the ICANN MSM Reform process when we consider these matters. It is still a valuable document.
22:19:19 From Heidi Ullrich : Please see a report of interest: https://g8fip1kplyr33r3krz5b97d1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Report-Covid-final-002.pdf
22:20:07 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Of course @Jeff, but the current 'situation' allows us a particular opportunity for focus...
22:20:27 From Jonathan Zuck : Not true. Just say you’re going to speak French
22:20:45 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : @Mark Yes indeed, and I for one hope this interaction might also encourage input into that as well...
22:20:56 From Reg Levy - Tucows : Heidi, thank you for this link
22:21:05 From Alan Greenberg : oops Sorry for Caps.
22:21:12 From Judith Hellerstein : @sebastien. you can speak in French over zoom. you just cannot speak thru the interpretation site that is only for listening
22:21:40 From Mark Datysgeld : Open Public Comment on Enhancing ICANN MSM: https://www.icann.org/public-comments/multistakeholder-model-next-steps-2020-06-04-en Please contribute with that arise from these considerations.
22:22:01 From Mark Datysgeld : *with thoughts that arise
22:22:14 From Judith Hellerstein : all speaking and microphones are through the zoom interface and all listening is in the interpretation platform
22:22:36 From Michel TCHONANG : Completely agree with you Sébastien
22:22:44 From Bill Jouris : <COMMENT>
22:22:49 From Vanda Scartezini : thanks Marita , liked your presentation.
22:23:28 From Bill Jouris : It is wonderful that we have found ourselves able to work remotely. But that dones't mean we can do EVERYTHING well remotely. </COMMENT>
22:24:30 From Roberto : @Bill - agree
22:24:48 From Nkem Nweke (DigitalSENSE Africa) : Thank you @Marita and Sabastien
22:24:53 From Nigel Hickson : Well said Owen
22:25:30 From Suellen Camargos : @Owen. Why can’t a similar partnership be done with ALAC and BC towards solving other types of abuses?
22:25:37 From Maxim Alzoba : we do not know the future
22:25:45 From Kevin Kopas (ShortDot) : I agree with @Owen. We worked with Namecheap and other registries very closely and took action quickly.
22:25:46 From Kristian Ørmen (Larsen Data) : We handle abuse on a daily basis
22:25:50 From Maxim Alzoba : so it is hard to predict what to prevent
22:26:11 From Suellen Camargos : but we know bad actors are opportunists.
22:26:15 From Maxim Alzoba : being proactive is about punishment before the crime
22:26:15 From Marita Moll : I completely agree that we will need to continue to meet in person. As I said, meetings grease the social wheels and it is essential. But some reconfiguration might work for us. We should not be completely opposed to adjustments
22:27:40 From Jonathan Zuck : And there’s a LOT less trolling in person. People are more inclined to work towards consensus in person.
22:28:04 From Maureen Hilyard : The interpretation is working Sebastien
22:28:27 From Jeffrey Neuman : How do we listen to the English translation?
22:28:28 From Vanda Scartezini : Marita, agree, mix for instance, the policy meeting like this one is easier to be online. thanks
22:28:31 From James Bladel : Fraud is fraud. The key takeaway is that criminals will always try to attach their scams to the latest headlines (pandemic, earthquake, whatever) to break thru to a larger audience. But under the wrapper, the scam doesn’t change.
22:28:35 From Michel TCHONANG : Good
22:28:38 From David Closson : good
22:28:43 From Dave Kissoondoyal : +1
22:28:43 From David Conrad : The congress app for your mobile phone
22:28:54 From Ashley Heineman : I recommend that folks watch the DNS abuse webinar session. We (CPH) talked about this and how we learned a lot form this experience, some of which can be built off of and other experiences that confirmed the difficulty of dealing with areas such as content.... which will continue to be a problem.
22:28:56 From lucie : I just heard French - no interpretation to English
22:28:58 From volker greimann : how to turn on interpreters?
22:28:59 From Mark Svancarek : How do I use the translation tool?
22:29:00 From Judith Hellerstein : @jeffrey you need to listen in to the interpretation platform
22:29:01 From claudia.ruiz : Yes, you to EN on the interpretation app
22:29:04 From Mark Svancarek : I only heard French
22:29:11 From Suellen Camargos : I didn’t get the translation either
22:29:15 From Vanda Scartezini : thanks all great chat as I put in the survey.
22:29:16 From Sébastien Bachollet : Merci Gracias Thanks
22:29:21 From Maxim Alzoba : thanks all
22:29:24 From James Galvin (Afilias) : translation not working for me. I have not been able to get the tool to work.
22:29:25 From Nkem Nweke (DigitalSENSE Africa) : Good bye all
22:29:25 From Amrita : I only heard French
22:29:29 From Michel TCHONANG : Thank Joanna, staff and all bye
22:29:32 From David Conrad : yes, you need to download the translation app (Congress) and listen via the phone
22:29:34 From claudia.ruiz : https://urlgeni.us/ICANN68-GET-APP
22:29:39 From Mark Datysgeld : In person it's more civil. Social barriers.
22:29:42 From Vanda Scartezini : see you in another live
22:29:54 From Lito Ibarra : Thanks everyone -Gracias a todos
22:29:56 From Judith Hellerstein : The audio in zoom is original audio the interpretation platform is where you select your language and so you want to select english
22:30:09 From Minata ZONG-NABA : Thank Joanna, staff and all.
22:30:11 From claudia.ruiz : Session Token for audio in French & Spanish : ICANN68-ALAC
22:30:22 From claudia.ruiz : For all At-Large Sessions, thank you
22:30:25 From Vanda Scartezini : thanks Claudia
22:30:28 From Dave Kissoondoyal : Thanks all and catch you in the following session
22:30:35 From Priyatosh Jana : Thanks....
22:30:36 From Suellen Camargos : thanks Claudia
22:30:41 From Sébastien Bachollet : @Claudia it is also for English
22:30:49 From Amina Ramallan : thank you Claudia
22:30:50 From Priyatosh Jana : Thank you all
22:31:01 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : goodnight
22:31:19 From Sébastien Bachollet : @Cladia don’t mislead the people. All the participants need to have the tool
22:31:24 From Harold Arcos : Very broad theme, especially when trying to illustrate "Abuse" for whom or who is the abuser?
22:31:28 From Vanda Scartezini : thanks Joanna, ALEX and marita and all in the chat!
22:31:33 From Satish Babu : Thanks and bye!
22:31:37 From Aris Ignacio : Thanks a lot for this.. very informative!
22:31:38 From Amrita : Thanks a lor
22:31:38 From Sarah Wyld : Thanks, all!
22:31:42 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Thank you Speakers, and everyone for joining and discussing this topic today, let's keep the discourse going :-) Thank YOU Joanna ... Bye for now...
22:31:46 From Reg Levy - Tucows : +1 Harold
22:31:48 From Harold Arcos : midnigth
22:31:51 From Roberto : bye
22:31:54 From Suellen Camargos : i need to go to the next session. thank you!
22:32:02 From Ham : thanks to everyone for the participation and thanks to the presenters
22:32:08 From Dave Kissoondoyal : Thanks and bye to all
22:32:11 From Gregory Shatan : Thanks all, much food for thought.