As discussed in previous calls, the newsletter would be a HTML letter done in Mailchimp . I've did a skeleton layout showing the concept in the previous Communications call before Singapore and at the Singapore meeting. 

As you can see the newsletter is broken up in three sections for three articles

- main article - these are the interviews and translations done by the interview and translations subgroups for example.
- 2nd article - this could be used for timely events, eg upcoming capacity building event
- 3rd article - used to link to updated content on the website.

  • No labels


  1. Comment sent by Carlos Aguirre via email on 4/24/14:


    "Dear Dev, good work!  I like it. My suggestion is yo have 4 sections in the newsletter, adding an space for logistic, the work was done by Franco and Natalia told me yesterday she sent it to you, coud you add this? could be good.
    On the other side, I think we need to change the first interview and put in this place the Olivier's . He sent this and Natalia will send you today probably. 
    Thats my comments. 
     Thanks again .
    Enviado desde Samsung tablet"


  2. I agree with Carlos comment, that the first interview should be Olivier's! 

  3. Can you, please, share the dates adopted (in Singapore) for the publishing of the newsletters?

    This information is needed for the Translations WG.



    1. Natalia:

      We are using the schedule published in the wiki here: Atlas II Communication Schedule . So , we are one week late in sending the first newsletter but it was important for everyone to comment on the final newsletter proposal. A couple of comments were received. I believe the newsletter will be in html since that is what Mailchimp produces.

  4. About using PDF for the newsletter, I want to remind you that in the call of March, 18th, it was decided that "It is preferred to use HTML for the Newsletter".

    1. Hi, Natalia, indeed, the PDF was a printout of the HTML page for reference in case there were comments on differences in how browsers and/or mail clients rendered the newsletter



  5. Hi Natalia's 

    Where's the link to Olivier's interview?

  6. Email sent by Carlos Aguirre on 5/1/2014:

    "Thanks Dev 4 that.
    The 4 section with Logistic and usefull information is mandatory in our Newsletter content and u have this information according Natalia said me past week.
    So, I ask you add the 4 section when u post the NL draft.
    Thanks and well done."

  7. Emails sent by Natalia Enciso on 5/1/14


    "Dear all:
    I already added The link to the wiki (logistic info)
    What about info about the meeting itself? IT was already discussed that too.
    Happy labor day to everyone!