The ICANN71 Planning Committee will work on the ICANN71 At-Large Schedule, implementing the Action Items from ICANN70 as well as the Sub Committee on Outreach and Engagements suggestions.
Mailing list:
Planning Committee Members
Name | Region |
Maureen Hilyard | |
Abdulkarim Oloyede | AFRALO |
Aïcha Abbad | AFRALO |
Hadia Elminiawi | AFRALO |
Olévié Kouami | AFRALO |
Cheryl Langdon-Orr | APRALO |
Christopher Wilkinson | EURALO |
Joanna Kulesza | EURALO |
Natalia Filina | EURALO |
Sébastien Bachollet | EURALO |
Augusto Ho | LACRALO |
Marcelo Rodriguez | LACRALO |
Carlos Aguirre | LACRALO |
Jonathan Zuck | NARALO |
Judith Hellerstein | NARALO |
Meetings will be held weekly until the At-Large Schedule is finalised.
Next Meeting: 03 June 2021
Last Meeting: 27 May 2021
Previous Calls
Draft Block Schedule & Production Timeline (one document)
At-Large Schedule - note sessions on this Google doc will then be transferred to the daily wiki agenda pages
ICANN71 Sessions of Interest
Please list hereafter potential session topics for ICANN71
Session Title/Topic | Proposer | Moderator | Description / Comments | Notes | |
1 | Public Interest: is the commercialisation of ccTLDs a threat? | Christopher Wilkinson Hadia ElMiniawi | Objective: The session will attempt to explore if commercialization of ccTLD registries affects Internet end users. Trying to understand the possible impacts of commercialization on consumer protection, competition, the stability of the DNS and in a broader sense on the public interest. Description: In attempting to explore the public interest in ccTLD registries commercialization, the session will start with an introduction to the history of ccTLD policy and then will to attempt to answer two questions: 1) What is the impact of ccTLD registries commercialization on consumer protection, competition, and the stability of the DNS? 2) Does the commercialization of ccTLD registries affect Internet end users? Panelists: Expert on ccNSO policy history for the introduction, A GAC member to discuss the matter from a national point of view, a domain name industry player or leader. | ||
2 | Developing Regional Policy | Joanna Kulesza | Abdulkarim to possibly support drafting the agenda and outcome | Click for full description & agenda | |
3 | GDPR as a technology - policy implications | Joanna Kulesza | Christopher Wilkinson | Christopher Wilkinson suggested for moderator with Joanna running Q&A and/or providing a summary | Click for full description & agenda |
4 | End User Participation in ICANN PDPs and their Role within the ICANN ecosystem (New and Confirmed Title) | Hadia ElMiniawi | Hadia ElMiniawi | Title: End User Participation in ICANN PDPs and their Role within the ICANN ecosystem Objective: To explore the weight and Impact of Internet end users on ICANN policy development processes Description: The session will highlight end-users participation in ICANN PDPs and their role within ICANN’s ecosystem. Exploring their weight within ICANN’s community and their impact on decision-making. The session will start with an introduction about Internet end users participation in ICANN ecosystem, and then we will attempt to answer two questions:
Panelists: From the At-Large community, the ICANN Board of Directors and the GNSO. Moderator: Hadia ElMiniawi and anyone else who would like to take part of this. NOTE from Hadia: If you would like to postpone it to ICANN 72 I am fine with this, in which case I could volunteer to help with Christopher’s session Public Interest: is the commercialization of ccTLDs a threat? | |
EURALO Policy Session | Proposer | Moderator | |||
"New gTLDS: protection of geographical names (& designations of origin and geographical indications) in EUROPE." | Christopher Wilkinson | Sandra Hoferichter (accepted) | EU Commission asked to address: Legal protection of geo names, Appellation d'Origine and currency codes (particularly EUR).