Instructions & Tips 

  • Tweets should inform the Audience the latest activities of WGs in 2014:
    • One tweet is the summary of what the WG does 
    • Two tweets highlight the key achievement of the WG  
  • Where to find information: 
  • All links must be shortened via Google URL Shortener by signing into the group Google account.  
  • All image must come from ICANN or community generated content (e.g. infographics on ICANN Website, illustrations on powerpoint slides, ICANN Flickr Account, Flickr Account of community members such as Glenn McKnight's); to search for a generic picture for your tweet, use Archive the image in the table below. 
  • You may add personal touch to WG activities by mentioning its members' Twitter handles, if any. 
  • Try to use #ICANN, #AtLarge, and #ATLAS2 as often as possible. Mention keywords in the tweet with the use of hashtags as well. Feel free to use some goofy ones. 
  • Try to keep the text + short URL + Image link + hashtags within 140 characters by using Twitter Character Counter


Deadline Sub-categoryAssignee(s)No.TweetImage
06 June 2014 23:59 UTC

At-Large Summit II Organizing Committee

Murray McKercher1  
At-Large Capacity Building Working Group

Unknown User (alactemp11)1#AtLarge Capacity Building Working Group for #ATLAS2 to raise knowledge base of #ICANN multistakeholder participants 
2Capacity Building Working Group explores ways of engaging more participants in #ICANN #ATLAS2 multistakeholder process

#ICANN #AtLarge Capacity Building Working Group completes 8 Webinars archived #ATLAS2 on topics of Internet Governance

At-Large Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program Review Team (CROPP RT) Jahangir Hossain1

 #ICANNAtLarge, Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP) has been providing a framework in which each of the At-Large RALOs and GNSO Non-Contract Constituencies to get support outreach effort.


#ICANNATLARGE, CROPP (FY15) Wiki Space is now. Look to forward partnering with you in delivering CROPP resources effectively.


#ICANNATLARGE, #APRALO, #AFRALO, #NARALO participated in QITCOM 2014, National IFG of Gabon, NTEN, ARIN, and IHTC-IEEE Canada events thanks to ICANN CROPP Program

At-Large Future Challenges Working Group

 Peter Knight 1@At-Large Future Challenges WG - R3 White Paper AtLarge# Important @ALAC push for @ICANN globalization. 
2Report of @ICANN Strategy Panel on Multistakeholder Innovation  AtLarge# The Quest for a 21st Century ICANN. 
3Report of @ICANN strategy panel on ICANN’s role in Internet Governance Ecosystem, Chair Vint Cerf AtLarge# 
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