Gisella Gruber:Welcome to the At-Large Ad-Hoc New Meeting Strategy Working Party on Thursday 8 October 2015 at 16:00 UTC
  Gisella Gruber:Agenda:
  Eduardo Diaz:¡Saludos a todos!
  Maureen Hilyard:Hi Eduardo
  Satish Babu:Hi all
  Maureen Hilyard:Vanda>
  Beran Gillen:hello everyone
  Satish Babu:There is echo...
  Satish Babu:Silence now....
  Sébastien:Yes no more echo
  Dave Kissoondoyal:Hi all
  Satish Babu:Yes
  Maureen Hilyard:Yes
  Eduardo Diaz:What is the link to the  page being presented
  Heidi Ullrich:Please see:
  Satish Babu:Faintly...
  Maureen Hilyard:Ok.. the RALOs interacting - good idea - 5 hours is a long session
  Satish Babu:The idea is good.
  Heidi Ullrich:May I comment on Meeting C,please?
  Maureen Hilyard:I would say that lunch and breakfast meetings will become a norm - because there isn't enough time to do the work that we prepare for in between meetings
  Beran Gillen:exactly maureen
  Maureen Hilyard:If we have interaction sessions with other SOs and ACs - do we have to be there for a whole hour - how about we organise a 30 minute meeting and then return to our own meeting and reflect on the similarities and i differences  between the organisations
  Gisella Gruber:This is the best I can do with the 2 different documents
  Maureen Hilyard:I think the interaction with the other SOs and ACs is important because we have to write policy statements about these organisations and we need to understand how they operate so that we can comment more appropriately
  Heidi Ullrich:Hi All this is latest Meeting B schedule:
  Beran Gillen:losing sebastien
  Beran Gillen:ok i can hear him now
  Heidi Ullrich:Not hearing you, beran
  Satish Babu:Yes
  Gisella Gruber:@ Beran - do you want a dial-out?
  Maureen Hilyard:I like that the regional meetings have been split so that the sessions aren't so long, but it would give each RALO a good idea of how each of the RALOs operate
  Sébastien:Yes we need placce for a GA during meeting B
  Heidi Ullrich:Meeting B in 2017 will be in Africa
  Beran Gillen:i think am ok Gisella
  Heidi Ullrich:so would be good to request an AFRALO GA for FY17 special requests
  Maureen Hilyard:A GA might have to take place after hours?
  Heidi Ullrich:as well as NARALO for October 2016 :) in PR!
  Maureen Hilyard:OK
  Eduardo Diaz:I am planning to bring university students and othyer professionasl to attend the NARALO meeting fro ICANN in Puerto Rico
  Eduardo Diaz:and other meetings as well
  Maureen Hilyard:Great Eduardo
  Satish Babu:Sounds like a great idea, Eduardo
  Maureen Hilyard:Exactly.. we can propose some ideas to RALOS and the ALAC, but they need to implement what is appropriate for them
  Eduardo Diaz:@MAureen: agree with you. It depends on the geographics, internet access and $$
  Gisella Gruber:@ Beran - correct
  Maureen Hilyard:We need to get some idea of what they want soon, so that we can put in a budget!
  Gisella Gruber:
  Heidi Ullrich:Correct, Beran
  Heidi Ullrich:Sat - Internal; Thursday - AC/SO
  Sébastien:It seems that we have conflicting meetings on Thursday between MSWG and CCWG-Accountability :(
  Sébastien:Yes the whole meeting
  Gisella Gruber:CCWG = 08:00-10:30
  Sébastien:But I ma sure you will do well
  Beran Gillen::(
  Eduardo Diaz:We are meeting with the charis of various colleges and universities  in January to presnt to them the ICAN/IETF/ARIN/ISOC eco-system. This will help ease out in getting to the students withing those Univeristies and colleges
  Heidi Ullrich:@Eduardo, are you working wtih Nora/Jeff and NextGEn?
  Eduardo Diaz:to motivate them to go to the ICANN  meeting
  Maureen Hilyard:Very proactive Eduardo
  Eduardo Diaz:The idea is to get some of this peope to engage with ICANN
  Eduardo Diaz:Bye!!
  Satish Babu:Thanks and bye!
  Sébastien:Thanks all
  Maureen Hilyard:Bye Beran
  Beran Gillen:bye safe travels

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