Ariel Liang: Hello, my name is Ariel Liang and I will be monitoring this chat room. In this role, I am the voice for the remote participants, ensuring that they are heard equally with those who are “in-room” participants. When submitting a question that you want me to read out loud on the mic, please provide your name and affiliation if you have one, start your sentence with <QUESTION> and end it with <QUESTION>. When submitting a comment that you want me to read out loud of the mic, once again provide your name and affiliation if you have one then start your sentence with a <COMMENT> and end it with <COMMENT>.  Text outside these quotes will be considered as part of “chat” and will not be read out loud on the mic.Any questions or comments provided outside of the session time will not be read aloud.Please note that audio is may be available in French, Spanish, and Portuguese. All chat sessions are being archived and follow the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior.

Glenn McKnight: We  have  four-five  active  Unaffiliated members at  NARALO

Maureen Hilyard: Do we have access to this document, Nathalie?

Nathalie Peregrine: @ Maureen, I will circulate the document now.

Nathalie Peregrine: Alan's slide:

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: lost the audio from the AC room

Alfredo Calderon: no audio

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: its back

Alfredo Calderon: Thanks

ICANN RP 3: audio is a little choppy right now...working on it

Alfredo Calderon: <comment>%Participation+%Monthly meeting calls+%Working groups+%annual activities at local chapters + ...<commen>

Glenn McKnight: checked  with staff on sound

Glenn McKnight: Any questions  for  the  group

Glenn McKnight: Did you hear my comments?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Audio has been choppy - but yes, heard comments

Alfredo Calderon: Yes.

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: <comment>The discussions on ALS expectations does impact the work of the Outreach and Engagement SC, particularly engagement. Some of the O&E meeting in Dublin will be focusing on engagement</comment>

Alfredo Calderon: <question>Could it be included in bylaws a xxx number of years as as a member and the require a renewal process based on previous accomplishments?<question>

Alfredo Calderon: <Comment> Thus the previous comment on establishing expect % outcomes<Comment>

ICANN RP 3: Hello: we are working on the audio issues.  Sorry

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