ALAC Monthly Teleconference
Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC.0110/1
Date: Tuesday 26 January 2010
Time: 1500 - 1630 UTC
(For the time in various timezones click here)
Adobe Connect Meeting Room:
Interpretation Available: Yes (EN, FR, ES - Simultaneous)
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List of attendees 26 January 2010
Apologies: Hawa Diakite, Ron Sherwood, Vivek,Beau Brendler, Wolf Ludwig, James Seng
Action Items: EN, FR, ES
Adopted Motions: EN, FR, ES
Transcription: EN, FR, ES
Recording: EN, FR, ES
Documents (EN):
I. Standing Agenda Items (20 - 25 min)
1. Adoption of the Agenda – Call for Any Other Business or Other amendments (2 min)
2. Roll Call Apologies from Members, if any (1 min)
3. Review of the Action Items - ENand Transcripts (EN,FR,ES) from the 22 December 2009 ALAC Meeting (10 mins)
4. Review of Current ALS Applications (3 mins)
a. Two applications have recently been received:
i. Asociación CONEXIÓN al Desarrollo de El Salvador
ii. Liberia Chapter of the Internet Society
5. Reports (5-10 minutes)
a. Liaison Reports
Note: There will be no discussion of liaison reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only. Any Liaison who wishes a discussion to take place on an item related to their brief, or has an item for which a decision is required, is to use this wiki to edit the sections under Items for Decision, or Items for Discussion, as relevant, in advance of the meeting,or raise an item for Any Other Business at the START of the meeting, BEFORE adoption of the agenda.
Board Liaison Report
GNSO Liaison Report
ccNSO Liaison Report
SSAC Liaison Report
IDN Liaison Report
dotMOBI Liaison Report
b. Sub-committees of the ALAC
Finance and Budget Sub-Committee
c. Working Group Reports
Note: The Chair formalized her request during the 22 October 2009 meeting for the Officers of the At-Large Working Groups to submit monthly reports.There will be no discussion of Working Group reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only. Any At-Large Working Group Officer who wishes a discussion to take place on an item related to their brief, or has an item for which a decision is required, is to use this wiki to edit the sections under Items for Decision, or Items for Discussion, as relevant, in advance of the meeting,or raise an item for Any Other Business at the START of the meeting, BEFORE adoption of the agenda.
Standing Working Groups
At-Large Engagement in ICANN: ( Main Wiki Page )
Future Structure, Accountability and Transparency of ICANN: ( Main Wiki Page )
New gTLDs: (Main Wiki Page)
Technical Issues: ( Main Wiki Page )
IDN Policy: ( List of IDN Liaison reports )
At-Large Registrants Rights and Responsibilities: ( Main Wiki Page )
The discussion of an Aspirational Registrant Rights Charter was discussed during the 37th ICANN Meeting.
Whois Policy: ( Main Wiki Page )
Joint GNSO-ALAC Working GroupsJoint GNSO-ALAC RAA Related WG activities - click here for joint GNSO-ALAC RAA-related workspace. Update on Working Group A (Registrant Rights Charter)
ii. Update on Working Group B (Additional Amendments to the RAA)
Ad-Hoc Working Groups
At-Large Name Issues Taskforce: ( Main Wiki Page )
c. RALO Reports:Note: The Chair formalized her request during the 22 October 2009 meeting for the Secretariats of the RALOs to submit monthly reports.
There will be no discussion of RALO reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only.
AFRALO (AFRALO workspace)
APRALO (APRALO workspace)
EURALO (EURALO workspace)
NARALO: (NARALO Workspace)
II. New Business
For Decision
1. Review of At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule for Deadlines (10 mins) Carlton
a. The following open consultation is not presently scheduled for an At-Large response, would the ALAC like any of these to be added to the Policy Advice Development Calendar?
New Consumers Constituency Petition and Charter (Public Comment Deadline: 13 February 2010)
b. Current PAD Items Not on Target
Version 3 of New gTLD Applicant Guidebook (Public Comment Deadline of 12 December extended for At-Large to 13 December 2009)
Proposed Rights Protection Mechanisms in New gTLDs (Public Comment Deadline: 22 November 2009)
Domain Names Registered Using a Private/Proxy Services (Public Comment Deadline: 20 November 2009)
2. ALAC Statements for Decision (10 mins)
a. ALAC Statement on the Expression of Interest; click here for the public comment announcement; public comment closes 27 January 2010
b. ALAC Statement on Affirmation Reviews; click here for the public comment announcement; public comment closes 10 February 2010
Items For Discussion
1. ALAC Position Description and At-Large Volunteer Performance Management - Next Steps (10 mins) - Alan
2.Call for Applicatants for the Position of Volunteer Review Team Member - (10 mins)
TheAffirmation of Commitmentscalls for a periodic review of four key ICANN objectives: 1) Ensuring accountability, transparency and the interests of global Internet users;
2) Preserving security, stability and resiliency of the DNS; 3) Promoting competition, consumer trust and consumer choice; and 4) Whois policy. In parallel with this process, ICANN is currently inviting interested individuals to express interest in serving as a volunteer review team member, representing a Supporting Organization or Advisory Committee. This is a permanent call for applications; however, candidatures for the first review 'Accountability and Transparency' will be accepted until the 17th of February 2010 at midnight UTC.
Further information and instructions for interested applicants is available at: Call for Applicants
3. Development of Process for the At-Large community to select a voting Board Member - click here for At-Large Director selection workspace - (15 mins)
a. ABSdt Membership - confirmation at 27 January Community Call on At-Large Director Appointment Process
b. Discussion of Director White Paper comments received to date
c. Call for ABSC expressions of interest
4. Planning for the Nairobi Meeting - (15-20 mins)
For Information: click here for the Nairobi Meeting page; click here for the At-Large Nairobi Meeting schedule
a. ALAC + Regional leaders workshop
b. Other At-Large Meetings
c. Update on Nairobi Outreach Working Group (D. Kissoondoyal)
Important deadlines:
Friday, 5 February - Meeting Confirmation Forms / Requirements Due
Monday, 15 February - Schedule distributed to SO/AC Chairs and other community members as appropriate.
Friday, 19 February - Session Agendas Due
Logistical requirements: the convention center will be opened between 08:30 and 17:30 with transport tied to those hours.
5. Promoting ICANN through At-Large Outreach Activities (10 mins) - Sylvia and Siva
ALAC needs to identify At-Large Outreach Activities that can be used to promote ICANN. Ideas generated will contribute to the discussion on participation and engagement with Nick Ashton-Hart to be held on Sunday, 7 March in Nairobi.
6. Micro-Strategic Planning for ALAC for the next 12-18 months (15 mins)
ALAC needs to discuss micro-strategic planning for the next 12-18 months in order to ensure that input into ICANN's Operational Plan is prepared and aligned with that of ALAC and regional plans and activities.
For information:
- ALAC Statement on ICANN draft Strategic Plan 2010-2013
- At-Large Strategic Planning Workspace 2010-2013
- ICANN Draft Strategic Plan July 2010 - June 2013 (PDF File)
- Key points - Kevin Wilson.ppt
- click here for information on the Strategic and Operating Planning Process
- Strategic Plan Consultation- Presentation given by Rod Beckstrom in Seoul
- Survey on 2010-1013 Strategic Plan - to see the EN text; To take the survey: EN, ES, FR
Items for Review
1. Review of New PAD Features (10 mins) - Carlton
2. Review of Domain Names Registered Using a Private/Proxy Services Activities (10 mins) - Patrick