DAY 1: Monday, 23 March 09:00-18:00 EET – 07:00-16:00 UTC (time converter)

09:00-10:30 EET – 07:00-08:30 UTC – Session 1

           9:00 Roll Call & Introduction

           9:15 Working methods

           9:45 Approval of agenda

          10:00 Mission, vision & value statement

 10:30-11:00 EET – 08:30-09:00 UTC – Coffee Break

11:00-13:00 EET – 09:00-11:00 UTC – Session 2

         11:00 Ongoing discussion on Mission, vision & value statement

         11:30 Community empowerment                              

13:00-14:00 EET – 11:00-12:00 UTC, Globe restaurant – Lunch (private section reserved)

14:00-16:00 EET – 12:00-14:00 UTC – Session 3

          14:00 Incorporating the AoC into the Bylaws

          15:00 Independent Panel

16:00-16:30 EET – 14:00-14:30 UTC – Coffee Break

          16:30-18:00EET – 14:30-16:00 UTC – Session 4

          16:30 Independent Panel (continued)

          17:00 Introduction of jurisdiction issue

17:45 Day Wrap-up

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