The next meeting for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team – Track 5 – Geographic Names at the Top Level will take place on Wednesday, 07 November 2018 at 05:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
(Tuesday) 21:00 PST, 00:00 EST, 06:00 Paris CET, 10:00 Karachi PKT, 14:00 Tokyo JST, 16:00 Melbourne AEDT
For other times:
- Welcome/Agenda Review/SOI Updates
- Initial Report Review
Background Documents
Apologies: Maureen Hilyard, Elsa Saade, Kavouss Arasteh, Jorge Cancio, Dessalegn Yehuala, Juan Manuel Rojas, Dev Anand Teelucksingh
Notes/ Action Items
Notes and Action Items:
1. Welcome/Agenda Review/SOI Updates
-- None
2. Initial Report Review
-- Report intended to incorporate recent comments on list and from ICANN63. Review certain changes made, per below notes:
-- Summary of recommendations added to the executive summary (p5)
-- Added data about geo names from the 2012 round (p12)
-- Seeking to get better clarity on the exceptionally reserved names list (p21)
-- Added a footnote about the Articles of Incorporation (p30)
-- Added a proposal from Katrin Ohlmer (p63)
-- Added text about currency codes (p73)
-- Added text about geographic indications (p74)
-- Question about city names over 1 million inhabitants. Answer: it is included in the report.
Emily Barabas: Marita, please see page 65 for proposal on large cities
-- Paul McGrady suggestion from ICANN63 - develop 1-2 page summary report, in addition to executive summary.
-- Goal is to try and have the executive summary to serve, at least in part, in the summary report role.
David McAuley: The summary of recs on pages 5-6 (in Word) are quite helpful additions
Jim Prendergast: i found the excel spread sheet that was prepared for WT1-4 that pulled out the key uestions posed to the community a useful tool for helping organize comments
Emily Barabas: @Jim, we will produce these for this report as well
-- Some support for executive summary to serve as summary of the report. Individual communities can develop additional resources as necessary.
-- Suggestion that the small summary report drafting team be abandoned as it seems to be a distraction at this point.
-- Additional data gathering. Is there anything additional needed prior to the Initial Report?
Emily Barabas: If the Work Track wants to do additional data gathering, it will be important to define the specific scope of what is needed
-- Review of comments from WT5 members that require input. In some circumstances, unclear what needs to change in response to these comments.
-- Comments from Robin Gross and Jorge Cancio that they disagree with recommendation to keep provisions for non-capital city names (p17). Could move to option or question of course. Is it inappropriate to have a recommendation on this topic? Could also have a recommendation as well as a question.
-- Suggestion that it's a hot topic and warrants a question instead of a recommendation (Marita, Christoper).
Action Item: Pose question about whether rec 11 should be a recommendation or question on list.
Justine Chew: Summarize deliberations of WT5 on in city names - intended use then pose questions.
Emily Barabas: Note that deliberations, pros/cons and proposals are summarized in the deliberations section of the document
-- Deliberations are in section (f). Could add a question that points to the deliberations section.
-- Comment from Jorge Cancio, reducing restrictions on names, unclear what "unconditionaly available" means, and for whom (p 40).
Action Item: Seek clarification on the comment above on list, about who made the comment and what the meaning might be.
-- Does this relate to the discussions around translations (e.g., country and territory names)?
-- This item appears to refer to non-capital city names?
-- Clarification that this item is only part of the deliberations (not a recommendation, or even a question).
- Comment from Jorge Cancio about applicants applying to the GAC to receive permission - what is the sense of the proposed solution, what is scope, how does it play with other requirements? (p41)
Action Item: Seek clarification on the proposal referenced above on list, about who made the proposal and if additional clarity can or should be provided.
- Comment from Christopher Wilkinson about a proposal to eliminate preventative protections and focus on curative protections instead. In a "curative" regime, objectors might be private parties. (p63).
-- May be appropriate to leave section as is and see if public comment is received. The concerns seem to be captured in the drawbacks, though staff will make sure.
-- If the concern is already captured in the drawbacks, can resolve comment.
Justine Chew: @Martin, thanks, I would add "and community groups" to "public authority" on $ financial burden to file objection.
Action Item: Christopher to review and revert on list.
-- Comments about a proposal put forward on page 75. What does the "bright-line" mean and will translate well? (p75)
Action Item: Seek clarification on the proposal referenced above on list, about who made the proposal and if additional clarity can or should be provided.
-- Reviewing questions to pose to the community: (section e of the report)
-- The purpose is not to answer the questions but to determine if they are the right questions to ask. Also helpful to determine if other questions are needed.
-- Reviewing questions...
Action Item: For question e1: Ask for input from people who 'considered' as well as applied.
Action Item: For question e2, note that the definition of a geographic name could be integrated into the AGB, as well as be utilized by the geo names panel.
Action Item: For question e5, "other norms" should ask the respondent to specify what those norms are. Add a 4th bullet, "Others not categorized above".
Justine Chew: @Emily: thanks, may be a to use "...not categorized above...."
Justine Chew: *better to use
-- Suggestion to reverse order of the bullets in e5. Suggestion to review Jorge's comments from ICANN63 about "norms and values"
-- Are e3 and e5 related? Suggestion to move e4 above e3.
Action Item: Review question order to determine if the above suggestion allows questions to flow better.
-- Question about what “commonly used language” means in proposals regarding translation. Further detail would be needed if it ends up as the selected proposal.
Action Item: e7: use the word “recommendation” instead of "decision" in the final sentence.
-- Seeking additional information around e8. If it can be answered through research, it could potentially be removed.
-- Belief that the list is in place, includes UK and EU for example.
Nick Wenban-Smith, Nominet: ref e8 I understand Jaap’s point is quite a technical one and hopefully we can resolve this and remove this line
David McAuley: typo on line 1 of e9 - letters of support 'on' non-objection
-- e10 asks about whether the use for non-captital city names is relevant. e11 asks for alternatives. In the event the preliminary recommendation on non-capital city names is removed, these questions will draw additional community input on the topic for further consideration.
-- How are external factors, like Board resolutions, captured in the report? Important to emphasize that external decisions to not necessarily set a precedent.
-- Suggestion to add reference to ISO 4217in question regarding non-AGB terms
-- Suggestion to note that if something is out of scope, where it is in scope (e.g., currency codes).
Emily Barabas: We can add a reference in the deliberations section to Board resolutions
Emily Barabas: @Christopher, we can add a reference to the ISO list of currency codes
Emily Barabas: (4217)
3. AOB
-- None