2024-04-30 NARALO UA DAY 2024 Organization Call

  • Gregory Shatan to place order with catering and check how the catering was invoiced last year. Catering - Sarmad’s team to confirm how to receive invoice for payment
  • Naela Sarras to confirm topic of her presentation 
  •  Rookayya Gulmahamed to edit the poster by Thursday, 2 MayPoster: Under review
  • Invitations: Greg to send invitations with the poster to his stakeholders in ISOC NY and NYC 
  • UA Day Promotion: 
    • Waqar Ahmad  will distribute event link to Internet Society Canada, Canada IGF and Social media page of Canadian Universities
    • Giose to send information to na-engagement mailing list and post it in the Engagement Calendar once Rookaya finalize poster
  • Coordinating call with speakers - Gregory Shatan  to use the slot for the GSE NA/NARALO call on May 6 to connect with speakers.
    • Giose to forward invite to speakers 
  • Michelle Desmyter  to create a wiki /meeting page to be put in the At-Large calendar, send it to NA discuss . Include the links provided by Joly: Title: NARALO UA Day 2024 Hybrid event . Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pf-2gqT8sH9x-6OV_IRfnGsJevD7pN6mI#/registration. Michelle to send the invite to speakers:Mark Svancarek, Seda Akbulut, Nabil Benamar, Sarmad Hussain, Jonathan Zuck, Julien Bernard, Naela Sarras, Giose Mc Ginty.

2024-04-09 NARALO UA DAY 2024 Organization Call

  • All agreed that the UA Day Event will be held on Thursday May 16. From 3- 6 pm with a 15 minutes break. The event will include coffee, cake and pastries.
  • Gregory Shatan will confirm the venue (Chrysler Building (12th Floor NYC) by Friday April 12.  Greg will also check with office administration on catering for the event.
  • Gregory Shatan will check with Joly on Online logistics (zoom, youtube or other channels by Friday April 12th.)
  • Gregory Shatan will draft an UA Day Event announcement and invitation to attend and will share it with the OC members by Monday April 15h.  The email with invitation to attend shall be sent to the targeted audience (including Universities, Academic institutions, NARALO discuss, ICANN org Fellow and Next Gens) 
  • Rookayya Gulmahamed will prepare the poster with the UA DAY Event logo and NARALO logo.
  • Silvia Vivanco will send the NARALO logo to Rookaya.
  • Social media Promotion will start after the next call (April 23) via NARALOs social media (FB) and to be reposted via ICANN org's social media channels. 
  • Gregory Shatan will invite Jonathan Zuck and Mark Svancarek
  • Naela Sarras will invite Dr Nabil Benamer
  • Silvia Vivanco will invite Sarmad Hussain 
  • Michelle Desmyter will schedule the next call for Tuesday April 23 at 19 UTC.
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