
A call for nominations was issued on the LACRALO mailing list on March 4 2012. 

According to the LACRALO Organising Documents, the term of the president of LACRALO and the secretariat of LACRALO is one year each.

The terms of the current LACRALO president and secretariat will end on April 15 2012.

The current LACRALO President is José Francisco Arce from Ageia Densi Argentina.

The current LACRALO Secretariat is Dev Anand Teelucksingh from Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society.

If there is any representative from an accredited ALS in LACRALO who wishes to stand for either

  • the post of LACRALO president or
  • the post of LACRALO secretarat,

please email the secretariat at admin at 

Note: Per the Rules of Procedure of the LACRALO, nominations would be accepted for a minimum period of 4 weeks from the date of the Call for Nominations, with the election to take place no sooner than 48 hours after the expiration of 8 weeks from the date of the Call for Nominations. (Rules 13.1, 13.2, 13.3)

See: LACRALO Representatives Page for more details about the positions of the Chair and Secretariat.

Nominations for LACRALO Chair Position

The LACRALO Secretariat  has asked interested ALS representatives to put forward their candidatures by April 4 2012.

Nominations for LACRALO Chair

Nominated By

Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Jose Francisco Arce



April 4 2012

Nominations for LACRALO Secretariat

The LACRALO Secretariat  has asked interested ALS representatives to put forward their candidatures by April 4 2012.

Nominations for LACRALO Secretariat

Nominated By

Supported By

Date Nominee Accepted

Sylvia Herlein Leite

Javier Chandia

Gilberto Lara

March 12 2012

Roosevelt King


Cintra Sooknanan

Wed April 4 2012

Dev Anand Teelucksingh

Fatima Cambronero

Sergio Salinas Porto

declined April 4 2012

Election Timetable

A list of ALSes and representatives in LACRALO will be sent by At-Large Staff to the mailing list to confirm the ALS list. 

Time would be allocated to the monthly LACRALO call on April 19 2012 for questions and answers from the candidates.

ALSes are encouraged to submit questions for the candidates in writing before April 19 2012 for the candidates to answer them on the conference call. After the conference call, online votes for the LACRALO President and LACRALO Secretariat will begin on April 23 2012 for a period of 7 days until April 30 2012. 

Each ALS in LACRALO will be emailed specific instructions and websites to go to submit their votes on Monday April 23 2012.

ON May 1 2012, at the end of the voting period, the votes are tallied as per rule 12.9 of the RoP (each vote is weighted with a country coefficient), and the results of the vote, including the votes cast and by which voter are presented to all of LACRALO, as per rule 20 governing rule 12.4

ALS representatives can email any questions to the list or via this election page.

Questions for the Candidates for the April 19 2012 conference call

The audio from the LACRALO April 19 2012 conference call can be downloaded from the  LACRALO 19.04.2012 Teleconference page. The discussion with the candidates starts at roughly 90 minutes. 

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  1. Me gustaría preguntar a los candidatos:

    * ¿Qué propuestas tiene para mejorar la comunicación dentro de LACRALO? ¿Cómo piensa hacerlo? ¿Qué tipos de proyectos tiene pensado realizar?

    * Dado que es importante la participación activa de la comunidad en la construcción de políticas en ICANN. ¿Qué tipos de estrategias tienen pensado que podrán ayudar a mejorar la difusión de LACRALO en nuestra región? ¿Cómo lo piensan hacer? 

    * ¿Cómo se podrá hacer un seguimiento constante y permanente a la gestión por usted realizada? 

    * Sabemos que una de las responsabilidades de la Secretaría tiene que ver con que los documentos oficiales se traduzcan y distribuyan ¿Qué propuesta tiene para mejorar la rapidez de las traducciones y permitir que el acceso a los documentos abiertos a comentarios públicos de ICANN existentes en inglés también estén en Español dentro de los plazos establecidos para poder generar comentarios relevantes?

    1. Anonymous

      Roosevelt King

      Response to Question 1:
      What is the experience in secretariat management and administration at an organizational level?

      I am the Secretary General of the Barbados Association of Non Governmental Organisations (BANGO) has been playing the role of Secretariat for organisations since its inception in 1997. BANGO was established specifically to play this role and has been the National Focal point for Civil Society in Barbados; officially recognised by government in this capacity since 2002. This is a secretariat role catering to over 1200 NGOs on the island, with a responsibility to feed-up information and local knowledge from the grassroots to impact on national policy, as well as to ensure that they are always well informed.

      BANGO is also the secretariat for the Non State Actors (NSA) Panel of Barbados, which is made up of NGOs, Labour, Private Sector organisations, Government and the European Union (EU) and the Secretariat for the ACP (Africa Caribbean and Pacific) Civil Society Forum.

      BANGO has been fulfilling the role of secretariat for NGOs in Barbados since 1997. We manage several lists (internet) for Barbados, the Caribbean and the ACP countries. In its role as secretariat for several developments and initiatives, BANGO has many years experience interfacing with governments, national agencies, regional bodies and agencies as well as international agencies.

      In its role as Secretariat for the NSA Panel, we have been interfacing with the European Union and actually negotiated the establishment of the Panel between 2005 -2007. The reason for the Panel was to enhance civil society participation in the EU/ACP Development Cooperation process, governed by the Cotonou Partnership Agreement 2000. In negotiating this mechanism, the EU in Barbados duplicated these panels in the six countries making up the OECS, since it has responsibility for Barbados and the OECS. Hence this initiative served to enhance participation in seven countries all at once.

      We have worked with the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) of the United Nations (UN) to establish a secretariat for a national and a regional focal committee for the small grants fund and actually established these mechanisms within the UNDP System. The secretariat became fully operational, with BANGO prescribing the terms of references and other arrangements to establish this secretariat and actually managed the secretariat for a year to establish the standards of operation, before handing it over to the GEF fully operational.

      We also helped Government establish a Bureau for Returning Nationals, which gives certain benefits and exemptions to nationals returning home to live and assists them with fully relocating.

      We employ various skills for our secretariat work, including legal services, secretarial services, graphic artists, researchers, facilitators, trainers, etc., including a team of proposal writers; depending on what is required.

      As advocates and negotiators, we heavily involve our constituencies, because we strongly believe in win-win solutions to issues and we have learned many lessons as it relates to coming to consensus on diverse issues and ensuring that all voices are heard and considered within any national policy and decision-making exercise.

      We have led many teams of NGOs into consultations and negotiations with governments and their institutions as well as international agencies. Of note are: Coordinating the national civil society consultation of 2000; leading the Barbados delegation to the Forward Together Conference and Encounter with the Heads of Governments of CARICOM in 2002; Led the initiatives of the CARICOM Civil Society Task Force 2002-2003; 2005 National Civil Society Consultations; The civil society national report to the UN Human Rights Commission and also now national coordinator for the new UN Human Rights Reporting System.

      I would say that we understand the critical role a secretariat plays, especially in documenting information, collating reports, keeping minutes, guiding meetings based on evidence and/or research, interpreting rules and generally assisting in the implementation of decisions.

      I therefore come along with BANGO as an ALS with considerable experience as a secretariat. BANGO has been a member of LACRALO from its inception and has been an ALS for much longer. We have been following all along and have accumulated an archive of information over this time. Hence I was able to participate in Costa Rica without having to be prompted and did so to the best of my ability knowing the background of what I was participating in.

      Having seen what is happening to LACRALO and knowing that this is simply a problem of communications and structure, I offer my services to get to the bottom of this problem. In Costa Rica, I met men and women from Latin America that one could have a conversation with and be very good friends with. Indeed, I had some very memorable moments with Latin Americans, for example, on the occasion of Marcel’s birthday. I met some great people. I did not meet wild animals. There is therefore no reason we can’t get along and I offer to ensure that the two sub-regions can solve the communications problem that will set us on a brighter path.

      BANGO’s success rests on its performance as a secretariat at the national, regional and international levels. Even if we did not have knowledge of the work of ICANN or LACRALO, the most important point is that we are probably the most experienced organization in the Caribbean when it comes to operating a secretariat, whether it is for our NGOs or for the United Nations. We have done it successfully every time.

      You are being called upon to vote for a Secretariat. A knowledge of and participation in LACRALO is no guarantee of the effectiveness or efficiency of a Secretariat. Many of you have this experience but the matter of an proper functioning Secretariat that will not only maintain the high standard set by the present secretariat but will seek to take that professionalism one step further for LACRALO is what is required.

      A vote for me, is a vote for the stability, cooperation and collaboration that LACRALO needs in order to give it a bright future. I therefore pledge sincere dedication and commitment to this task as I seek your vote to be the best Secretariat the LACRALO has ever had.

      Question 2:
      For the record, one of the secretariat’s responsibilities has to do with translation. What do you expect to do so that translations are expedited and we can comment on public documents before the end of the public comment period?

      Translation is important for there to be participation. Translation also takes a team and hence requires resources. As the Secretariat for the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Civil Society Forum, where the official languages are English and French, there are many languages in which documents must also be translated in order to facilitate participation across Africa and in the Caribbean. We rely on a central translation team located in Brussels, plus there are many members who volunteer for translation. This is all coordinated by our secretariat to ensure that the timely delivery of translated documents.

      In the case of ICANN, resources must be allocated by ICANN for such an important aspect (similar to the ACP). However, in terms of LACRALO, we have in Barbados, the Venezuelan Institute which is part of the Venezuelan embassy in Barbados and they offer free courses in Spanish and we can rely on them to assist us with translation. We also have some volunteers who are part of BANGO that can assist us.

      Question 3
      How will you ensure that the good work of the Secretariat is maintained? How you can track the constant and ongoing management you made?

      First, once elected, I will ensure that we are properly briefed by the present Secretariat so that we become even more familiar with the procedures and processes. This will be to ensure that the standard of the secretariat is maintained at the high level at which it is operating.

      BANGO is very familiar with the elements that make for a good secretariat, given that we have over 15 years of experience in the field. We have staff to assist us that will make for a quick and efficient handing over of the Secretariat, if elected.

      Roosevelt O. King

      Secretary General

      Barbados Association of Non Governmental Organisations (BANGO)

      1. Anonymous

        I meant to write, of course, "if" you are elected. Sorry for the typo.

  2. Anonymous

    ¿Qué propuestas tiene para mejorar la comunicación dentro de LACRALO? ¿Cómo piensa hacerlo? ¿Qué tipos de proyectos tiene pensado realizar?
    Dado que es importante la participación activa de la comunidad en la construcción de políticas en ICANN. ¿Qué tipos de estrategias tienen pensado que podrán ayudar a mejorar la difusión de LACRALO en nuestra región? ¿Cómo lo piensan hacer?
    Estas preguntas ya fueron respondidas en la Teleconferencia del día 19 y podrán escuchar la grabación y leer la transcripción cuando estén disponibles. Pero como los nominados solo tuvimos 20 minutos para responder las respuestas, quiero aprovechar este espacio para responderlas mejor.
    Creo que estas dos preguntas están relacionadas y al igual que en la Teleconferencia me gustaría decir que sin duda estoy convencida que la comunicación y en consecuencia la participación es una de las metas a mejorar  y  considero una de las tareas principales del secretario de LACRALO, el ayudar a entender y a motivar la participación de todas las ALSs en el complejo y diverso mundo de ICANN. Nuestra región, como lo mayoría de las otras RALOS, tiene una composición compleja y variada y eso hace que la comunicación también lo sea.
    El camino es el entendimiento, eso también ES CLAVE a mi entender!!
    El saber escuchar las necesidades y expectativas de cada uno de los miembros que hacen parte de LACRALO y también de los nuevos que quieren serlo; para así llegar al mejor consenso por mayoría. En realidad para todo el AT-LARGE, que está atrás del sueño de 1 ALS por país, y en el camino hacia eso está la participación.
    Contamos ahora con muchas más herramientas que en 2005,  cuando unos visionarios empezaron a pensar en la creación del LACRALO. Tenemos que tener en cuenta que antes contábamos con un miembro del staff y ahora son más de 7!
    Contamos también con muchas herramientas, como una pagina  Wiki para cada región, con  webinars, postcast ( tenemos que hacer más y en varios idiomas ya que por ahora están solo en inglés). Todo el material que se ha ido creando y organizando…  “los kits del iniciante”, etc., etc.
    También con la creación de la Academia  ICANN, que considero que una vez instaurada debe ampliarse y no solo ser utilizada por los nuevos miembros electos a cargos,  y sí por los miembros ya existentes de la comunidad;  y por los miembros entrantes, ya que será una puerta de entrada maravillosa para nuevas ALSs ahorrando un tiempo precioso en la comprensión del funcionamiento de ICANN,  y también le daría la oportunidad a las que ya hacen parte de las RALOS para capacitarse y así tener la posibilidad de participar más activamente en ICANN.
    PARTICIPAR. Creo que la participación es otra clave en LACRALO;
    Fuimos la primer RALO  en existir y siempre la más numerosa; AHORA SOMOS oficialmente 40 ALSs.
    Estoy segura de poder hacer un trabajo positivo por el bien de LACRALO  y su promisorio futuro!
    Es bien sabido que necesitamos más PARTICIPACIÓN de la comunidad en temas de políticas y técnicos que tengan que ver con la relación de los usuarios finales respecto de la estabilidad y seguridad en la red entre tantas cosas.
    PARTICIPACIÓN que debe hacerse y programarse con tiempo hábil para que la gente pueda leer y estudiar los documentos y manifestarse al respecto, no es posible, por ejemplo pretender que en 4 días nos envíen un documento de más de 50 páginas para que nos manifestemos (como frecuentemente pasa). Es por eso que la secretaria debe trabajar en constante y estrecha relación con el Staff para hacer conocer los temas relevantes lo más rápido posible y también con el departamento de traducciones para tener los documentos traducidos con tiempo necesario.  
    Participación que desde y en Costa Rica se viene mostrando más activa y productiva.
    Participación que fue bien realizada en nuestra región por parte de 2 grupos que brindaron sus comentarios al equipo de trabajo presidido también por un miembro de nuestra región Alejandro Pisanty sobre la seguridad, estabilidad y resiliencia del DNS.
    Además necesitamos PARTICIAPCION de nuestro RALO hacia afuera, inclusive utilizando herramientas que ya están en funcionamiento pero que no las estamos utilizando como por ejemplo el BLOG DE ICANN, ,donde podríamos postar (en inglés, español y francés) nuestras inquietudes y necesidades como región y así llegar más fácil y rápido a nuestras metas.
    También participando de las actividades de otras constituencies,  grupos y partes de ICANN, como por ejemplo, participar de las actividades del LACTLD, .  Este año ellos tienen planeado reuniones en Colombia,  Ecuador, Argentina, El Salvador, Uruguay, y  Brasil; y nosotros tenemos ALSs en todos esos países menos en Uruguay, por lo tanto sería muy interesante y productivo que por lo menos los miembros de esas ALSs participen. Tenemos que acercarnos a los Registrars y Registry para entender su negocio y ellos a nosotros para entender parte de sus clientes. Y también podríamos participar de las actividades del LACNIC  que se reunirán en Ecuador y Uruguay,
    Con respecto a “¿Cómo se podrá hacer un seguimiento constante y permanente a la gestión por usted realizada?”
    Bueno, hay varias formas de hacerlo. Las oficiales, por así decirlo, como la Wiki por ejemplo.
    Las secretarías de todos los RALOS tienen que hacer un informe mensual  en la wiki donde se relatan todos los acontecimientos del RALO.
    También en las lista de discusión del lac-discuss.
    Así como la página oficial de LACRALO,, donde el secretario y los otros miembros del RALO postar informaciones de la región como por ejemplo los eventos de las ALSs organicen u otros eventos que tenga que ver con Internet.  
    Y las no oficiales, como Skype, donde no dependemos de la ayuda del staff para hacer una lista de discusión.
    Con respecto a la pregunta “Sabemos que una de las responsabilidades de la Secretaría tiene que ver con que los documentos oficiales se traduzcan y distribuyan ¿Qué propuesta tiene para mejorar la rapidez de las traducciones y permitir que el acceso a los documentos abiertos a comentarios públicos de ICANN existentes en inglés también estén en Español dentro de los plazos establecidos para poder generar comentarios relevantes?”
    Como ya lo comenté en la teleconferencia, es un tema delicado, ya que no depende solo del secretario los resultados. Depende también del departamento financiero y el de traducciones, siempre hemos tenido una excelente relación con Cristina Rodriguez y con su equipo, pero sabemos que no somos las únicas prioridades que tienen.
    También contamos con la solidaridad y el tiempo de aquellos que entienden varios idiomas, como es mi caso, y que podríamos hacer traducciones que permitirían superar las traducciones electrónicas aunque sea al darle una lógica semántica coherente. Aunque si bien ayuda al entendimiento, como traductora profesional creo que esto es  peligroso y solo debería ser usado en caso de necesidad, porque como los documentos tienen léxico técnico no son todos aptos para traducirlos.
    Hay otras ideas sobre nuevas tecnologías, como la propuesta por Humberto Carrasco, sobre usar un software de voz que permite escribir lo que se dice, de esa forma se hace más fácil después traducirlo.

    Mi experiencia como miembro de ALAC me ha dado la oportunidad de tener un panorama general de ICANN.
    Y aun antes de ser miembro de ALAC tuve la oportunidad, ya en 2008, de entrar en contacto con los miembros de la región y hacer parte en la organización del SUMMIT de México. Fue un trabajo arduo, pero vi coronados los esfuerzos al poder hacer parte de ese primer e histórico Summit junto a otros 22 miembros de la región.
    En esa oportunidad fui vicepresidente del grupo de trabajo 4 que trató sobre  Transparencia y  Accountability (responsabilidad), Working Group 4.
    También hago parte del subcomité de finanzas representando al LACRALO desde en la reunión de Nairobi en marzo del 2010. Aquí se trabaja arduamente entre todos los RALOS para coordinar los recursos disponibles por parte de ICANN para financiar las necesidades de cada una de las RALOS. Creo que cada vez más es necesario que At-large trabaje en contacto directo con el Staff de Finanzas y Presupuesto de ICANN a fin de que las regiones puedan crecer y realizar su trabajo apropiadamente.
    También en la reunión  de Nairobi y convencida desde siempre de la necesidad de Outreach a nivel global por parte de ICANN hice una presentación sobre una programa de Publicidad & Marketing que elaboré en conjunto de Siva  Mutusamy de ISOC India,  del Ralo de Asia-pacifico y que fue tomado como base para el primer trabajo de Barbara Clay,  la VicePresidente  de comunicaciones de ICANN cuando inició su trabajo en ICANN.
    Desde el 2010 hago parte del grupo de trabajo de Modificaciones de nuestros estatutos,
    En 2010 participé activamente en la organización del Showcase de LACRALO EN Cartagena,   (al igual que ahora con el Showcase de Costa Rica) en donde intenté que se realizara la AG en Colombia aunque sin éxito por fuerzas lejanas a mis actividades.
    Participé, en 2010, en la elaboración del folleto de LACRALO, estando a mi cargo la versión en portugués, idioma que como la mayoría sabe domino por vivir en Brasil desde 1988.
    Ahora es una realidad, pero personalmente fue muy marcante también el trabajo realizado por las 5 regiones cuando tuvimos, por primera vez, la oportunidad de elegir un miembro de nuestra comunidad a una silla garantizada para ser parte del Consejo de ICANN. Realmente fue un proceso muy enriquecedor!
    Hice parte del grupo de trabajo que analizó los resultados de la “encuesta  a todas las ALSs de At-large y en Bruselas 2010 realicé con mucho orgullo  la presentación de los resultados de la encuesta 2010 de nuestra región (muy positivos). Encuesta esta que la mayoría debe recordar, constaba de 3 partes: 1) sobre las ALS propiamente dichas, 2)la relación entre el  ccNSO y las ALS, 3) encuesta sobre las Regiones Geográficas de ICANN;  y que nos dio una visión del At-large que aun hoy día se utiliza como referencia.
    Gracias por su tiempo y estoy a su disposición!
    Sylvia Herlein Leite

    1. Anonymous


      These questions were already answered in the teleconference on 19 and you can hear the recording and read the transcript when available. But because the nominees only had 20 minutes to answer the responses, I take this opportunity to answer better.
      I think these first two questions are related and as I said in the teleconference I would to say that I am convinced that communication and participation is therefore a goal to improve and consider one of the main tasks of the secretary of LACRALO to help to understand and encourage the participation of all ALS in the complex and diverse world of ICANN. Our region, like most other RALOS, has a complex and varied composition and that makes communication so be it.
      The road is the understanding, that too in my opinion IS KEY!
      The listening to the needs and expectations of each of the members who are part of LACRALO and the new would-be, in order to reach the best consensus by majority vote. Actually for all the AT-LARGE, which is behind the dream of an ALS by country, and that's the way to participation.
      We now have many more tools than in 2005, when visionaries began to think about the creation of LACRALO. We must bear in mind that before we had a staff member and are now more than 7!
      Now, we also have many tools, such as a Wiki page for each region, webinars, PostCast (we have to do more of it  and in various languages, because by now are only in English). All the material that has been creating and organizing ... "beginner kits", etc.., etc.
      Also with the creation of ICANN Academy, I believe that once established and it should be extended not only be used by the new members elected to office, but for the others existing members of the community and the incoming members, as it will a wonderful gateway for new ALS saving precious time in understanding the functioning of ICANN, and would also give the opportunity to those already are part of the RALOS for training and thus be able to participate more actively in ICANN.
      PARTICIPATION. I think that participation is another LACRALO key;
      We were the first RALO to exist and always the most numerous, NOW, we are officially 40 ALS.
      I'm sure I could do positive work for the good of LACRALO and its promising future!
      It is well known we need more participation of the community in technical and policy issues having to do with the relationship of ender users regarding the stability and security in the network between many things.
      Participation should be done and programmed early enough so that people can read and study the documents and respond to such information. It is not possible, eg in 4 days, to pretend that we can read a document over 50 pages (as often happens) and  manifest about it. That's why the secretary should work in constant and close relationship with the Staff to know the relevant issues as quickly as possible and with the translation department to have documents translated with time.
      Participation from Costa Rica has been showing more active and productive.
      Participation was well done in our region by 2 groups that provided comments to the team, also chaired by a member of our region Alejandro Pisanty, about Security, Stability and Resilience of the DNS.
      We also need LACRALO outreach PARTICIAPCION, using some tools are already in operation but we are not using such as BLOG ICANN , where we could post (in English, Spanish and French) our concerns and needs as a region and thus easier and quicker to reach our goals.
      Also participating in the activities of other constituencies, groups and parts of ICANN, for example, participate in LACTLD activities. This year they plan meetings in Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, El Salvador, Uruguay, and Brazil, and we have ALS in all these countries except Uruguay, so it would be very interesting and least productive members of these ALS participate. We have to approach the Registrars and Registry to understand theirs business and they need to understand us, as theirs customers. And we could also participate in LACNIC activitiesmeeting in Ecuador and Uruguay,
      Regarding "How you can track the constant and ongoing management you done?"
      Well, there are several ways to do it. The “official” one,  like the Wiki. The secretariats of all RALOS have to make a monthly report on the wiki which relate all the events of their RALO.
      Also in the discussion list of the lac-discuss.
      The official LACRALO webpage  where the secretary and other LACRALO members can  post information from the region such as the ALS organize events or other events that has to do with the Internet.
      And the “unofficial” ones, like Skype, which we do not depend on Staff support for a discussion list.
      With regard to the question "We know that one of the responsibilities of the Secretariat has to do with that official documents are translated and distributed Which proposal is to improve the speed of translation and allow access to documents open to public comment ICANN in English are also available in Spanish within the time limits in order to generate relevant comments? "
      As I mentioned at the conference, is a sensitive issue, since it is not only the results of the secretary. Also depends on the Finance and Translations department. We have always had an excellent relationship with Cristina Rodriguez and hers team, but we know that we are not the only priorities they have.
      We also have the solidarity and the time of those who understand several languages, as I do, and that could make translations of going further than even electronic translations to give a coherent semantic logic. Even though aid to understanding, as a professional translator I think this is dangerous and should only be used if necessary, because the documents have technical vocabulary are not all apt to translate.
      There are other ideas on new technologies, as proposed by Humberto Carrasco, about using voice software allows you to write what is said, that way it gets easier after translation.

      My experience as a member of ALAC has given me the opportunity to have an overview of ICANN.
      Even before becoming a member of ALAC had the opportunity, in 2008, coming into contact with members of the region and be part in organizing the Mexico SUMMIT. It was hard work, but I saw crowned my efforts to be able to do part of this first and historic Summit along with other 22 members of the region.
      At that time I was vice chairman of Working Group 4 which dealt with Transparency and Accountability.
      I also be part of the Finance subcommittee representing the LACRALO from the meeting in Nairobi in March 2010. Here we work hard among all RALOS to coordinate available resources by ICANN to fund the needs of each RALOS. I think it is increasingly At-large must work in direct contact with the Finance and Budget Staff of ICANN so that regions can grow and do their job properly.
      Also at the meeting in Nairobi and always convinced of the need for ICANN Global Outreach,I  made a presentation on an Advertising & Marketing program that elaborated with Siva Mutusamy ISOC India and I, which was taken as the basis for the first work of Barbara Clay, the Vice President of Communications ICANN when ICANN started its work.
      Since 2010 I am part of the working group of amendments to our bylaws,
      In 2010 I participated actively in organizing the Cartagena Showcase of LACRALO, (as now with the Costa Rica Showcase) where I also tried to be held our GA in Colombia, without success by forces far from mine activities.
      I participated in 2010 in preparing the LACRALO brochure, being mine duty the Portuguese version, language as most know I domain of living in Brazil since 1988.
      It is now a reality, but I personally it was very challenging the work of the 5 regions when we had, for the first time, the opportunity to elect a member of our community to be guaranteed a Seat on the ICANN Board. It really was a very rewarding!
      I did part of the working group that analyzed the results of the " At-large ALS Survey”. In Brussels 2010 I proudly realized the presentation of the results of our region (very positive). Survey, that most be remembered, consisted of 3 parts: 1) on the proper ALS, 2) the relationship between the ccNSO and the ALS, 3) survey of the ICANN Geographic Regions, and that gave us an overview of At -large that even today is used as a reference.
      Thanks for your time and I am at your disposal!
      Sylvia Leite Herlein

  3. Two of the same comments have been removed from this page as they were in violation of the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior (see:

    -  Policy Staff in Support of the ALAC

  4. A comment has been removed from this page as it was in violation of the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior (see:

    -  Policy Staff in Support of the ALAC