Summary of recommendation: Educating and engaging the ALSes should be an immediate priority; compliance should be a longer-term goal.
Summary of tasks in implementation:
- For external education and internal engagement: Plans identifying specific deliverables will be created and implemented based on high-level principles.
- For outreach and recruitment: A strategy will be designed and implemented that ensures ICANN issues are understood by individual Internet users.
- For leadership development and engagement: Clear job descriptions, nonperformance sanctions, and midterm replacement processes will be created.
- Compliance with Recommendation 4 will be dealt with after these pieces are in place.
Rec. |
Sub-Task |
Implementation Task |
Status |
Notes |
4.1 |
External Education |
Substantially Complete |
The ALAC and its Improvements Taskforce established that the ongoing responsibility for this sub-task and the ongoing education needs of ALSes will be disseminated amongst Staff, ALAC, Regional Leadership, ALSes, and other relevant parties to ensure that the system is interactive with ICANN wide activities. |
4.1(a) |
Establish the ICANN Academy, an annual training program for new At-Large ALS members, modeled after aspects of the ICANN Fellowship and Diplo Foundation. |
Complete |
See: Curriculum for the ICANN Leadership Pilot Program |
4.2 |
Internal Engagement |
Complete |
4.2(a) |
Establish an engagement program for existing At-Large ALS members, to be conducted year-round and modeled after certain aspects of the Diplo Foundation (specifically, this is the At-Large Capacity Building Program to begin in Dakar in Oct 2011). |
Substantially Complete |
See: LACRALO Capacity Building Budget Request |
4.2(b) |
Make available to each ALS a Confluence page for two-way communication with ICANN. |
Complete |
See: RALO Confluence Pages |
4.2(c) |
Make available to each ALS the use of an Adobe Connect Room for meetings, etc. |
Complete |
See: RALO Adobe Connect Rooms |
4.3 |
External outreach and recruitment |
Complete |
4.3(a) |
Request that selected At-Large members be funded to attend non-ICANN meetings (e.g., the IGF, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), etc.). |
Complete |
ALAC made this request in FY11, FY12, and FY13. FY11 and FY12 requests were not accepted, FY13 request is still being evaluated. |
4.3(b) |
Request that the ALAC be invited and funded to participate in all outreach programs launched by ICANN (including the New gTLD Program outreach road show). |
Complete |
While the request was made, ICANN did not fund any ALAC participation in the new gTLD activities. However, the following ALS and ALAC events were either attended by ICANN Staff or ICANN contributed materials: |
4.3(c) |
Invite potential At-Large members from countries currently without any ALS to a series of outreach teleconferences aimed at reaching the goal of having at least one ALS in every country. |
Pending |
See: At-Large Dashboard |
4.3(d) |
Recommend that each RALO start an individual member program. |
Complete |
4.3(e) |
Continue collaborating with ICANN Communications on Beginner’s Guides devoted to topics relevant to At-Large. |
Substantially Complete |
The ALAC and its Improvements Taskforce established that the ongoing responsibility for this task will be disseminated amongst ALAC Chair, the Executive Committee, the Director of At-Large, and RALO leaders. |
4.3(f) |
Recommend to the RALOs that they formalize their outreach/“inreach” role in whatever way each finds appropriate (e.g., by including in their Rules of Procedure). |
Complete |
4.4 |
Explore whether additional measures need be taken to involve individual Internet users in At‐Large work, where they wish to contribute in their personal capacities |
Complete |
The ALAC and its Improvements Taskforce established that the ongoing responsibility for this sub-task disseminated amongst the Staff, At-Large Rules of Procedure Working Group, Regional Leadership, RALOs, and other relevant parties to ensure that the system is interactive with ICANN wide activities. |
4.5 |
Internal leadership engagement and development |
Substantially Complete |
4.5(a) |
Increase significantly the ALAC’s creation of “inreach” materials aimed at leadership engagement and development throughout At-Large (including brochures, radio programs, podcasts, webinars, and online videos). |
Substantially Complete |
The ALAC and its Improvements Taskforce established that the ongoing responsibility for this sub-task and the ongoing education needs of ALSes will be disseminated amongst Staff, ALAC, Regional Leadership, ALSes, and other relevant parties to ensure that the system is interactive with ICANN wide activities. |
4.5(b) |
Create job descriptions for ALAC members, liaisons and other At-Large leaders that include qualification requirements, responsibilities and objective criteria for performance evaluation. |
Complete |
The ALAC and its Improvements Taskforce established that the ongoing responsibility for this sub-task and the ongoing education needs of ALSes will be disseminated amongst Staff, ALAC, Regional Leadership, ALSes, and other relevant parties to ensure that the system is interactive with ICANN wide activities. |
4.5(c) |
Create and implement a transparent sanctions process for nonperformance of ALAC, RALO and ALS members. |
In Progress |
The ALAC and its Improvements Taskforce established that the ongoing responsibility for this sub-task disseminated amongst the At-Large Rules of Procedure Working Group and the At-Large Metrics Working Group. |
4.5(d) |
Create, in collaboration with ICANN’s Nominating Committee (NomCom), a process for the midterm replacement both of NomCom appointments to the ALAC and of ALAC appointments to the NomCom. |
Substantially Complete |
The ALAC and its Improvements Taskforce established that the ongoing responsibility for this sub-task disseminated amongst the At-Large Rules of Procedure Working Group in collaboration with the NomCom. Whilst this sub-task was not able to be done as proposed, the recent call for the NARALO NomCom appointment to the ALAC replacement process indicates significant progress in this area. |
Olivier Crepin-Leblond
From the conference call on 12.12.11, it looks as though the ICANN Academy and the At-Large Capacity Building program are two different animals, existing in parallel, but targeted at different audiences. E-learning is to be pursued for the At-Large capacity building programme.
E-learning might be pursued in the ICANN Academy, depending on how it is implemented.
Question: should the same team currently building the curriculum of the ICANN Academy, also be involved in building the curriculum of the At-Large Capacity Building program? Let's not forget the first version of the Capacity Building Program which was designed and implemented by AFRALO.
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro
I think that the same Team should. My observations are AFRALO did capacity building of the sort that the current ICANN Academy
Working Group is intent on creating in terms of the Face to Face (F2F model).
It is impossible to define the nature of capacity building if one does not examine ICANN’s core function where it coordinates the following:-
Why Should There be Capacity Building?
There is a clear demand for capacity development within ICANN and also to the global community to enable meaningful participation. Meaningful participation is to be able to understand the issues and engage in constructive and robust dialogue on issues. The Internet Universe by its very construct is complex and for the specific coordination aspects of ICANN it is inherently critical that the methodology of such a capacity development initiative is properly teased out to suit the growing needs of ICANN.
Mode of Capacity Building
Currently the Global Partnership Arm of ICANN have been attending various Network Operator Group Summits (NOGs) around the world. This coupled with Roadshows, including ICANN meetings which run trainings such as DNSSEC at the meeting venues have provided for on the ground trainings. However, one of the recommendation of the Working Group in this instance is to adopt the Face to Face and the E Learning. The Face to Face mechanism can harness existing F2F programmes run by ICANN already and improve upon them by creating greater cohesion. However web based learning should also be of equal priority if not top priority as far as methodology goes.
Utilisation of the Internet
The issue of Access
Recognising that one of ICANN’s Mission is to coordinate Policy Development reasonably and appropriately, it follows that even within ICANN’s fabric of operations, it has always ensured that regions of the world are covered, that no one is excluded, where everyone is given the opportunity to participate whether as Government, Private Sector or Civil Society.
To this end, to be effective and create systemic impact it is critical that the methodology for addressing the development needs in the “knowledge divide” is conquered using that very thing which brings us together, the Internet.
Innovative police space requires innovative capacity development and this has to evolve from the finite traditional training mechanisms to the interactive dynamics that learning over the Internet brings.
Bridging the Knowledge Divide in our Regions
The geographical diversity within the At Large where we are separated by distance and time zones are challenges that we have to deal with as a community within At Large and as RALOs within At Large seek innovative ways to encourage participation within their membership and also solicit new membership, the need to develop ubiquitous means to accelerate capacity building attempts become a necessity. The challenge of bridging the knowledge divide within our RALOs as it is the RALOs combined that make up the At Large community.
It is critical that our methodology and aligns itself to the vision of ICANN and also to encourage wider access.
Step 1 Identify and Assess Existing Trainings Done within ICANN and potential partners and work with ICANN At Large Staff to coordinate information from other Departments and identification of possible delivery systems. Identify how many ALS’s exist within At Large
Step 2 Map existing partners, potential partners and human resources within ICANN At Large Community in developing solutions and Identification of Training Areas through an Online Survey
Step 3 Engage discussions on the creation of solutions that can assist in bridging the knowledge divide and build capacity to enable people to actively participate in global policy processes through regional involvement prior
Step 4 Develop solutions and assess budgetary requirements for the various solutions for presentation before the ALAC Finance and Budget Sub- Committee
Step 1 Identify and Assess Existing Trainings Done within ICANN and potential partners and work with ICANN At Large Staff to coordinate information from other Departments and identification of possible delivery systems
Existing Trainings Done within ICANN and potential partners
ICANN has been active in bringing training and some examples include the following:-
Possible Delivery Systems
Possible Delivery systems in terms of bridging the knowledge divide include face to face training and the use of web based platforms. We should list all the trainings that have been offered by ICANN through face to face methods so that we do not duplicate and can synergistically share experiences, resources and ride on existing platforms.
Open the ICANN Academy beyond At Large and to all other communities within ICANN such as GAC, ccNSO, GNSO etc. This will enable parties to draw from a broad range of expertise and facilities. It is sustainable to utilise both the face to face training approach with web based trainings.
Face to Face Training
Given that the ICANN coordinates training in various parts of the world through the Global Partnership Arm, it is reasonable to suggest that this is coordinated with them. This existing mechanism is already a decentralised approach as Global Partnership is strategically placed and positioned in regions around the world. Various RALOs can hold these trainings when they have their regionageneral assemblies or summits etc or work alongside regional Internet Governance Forums.
Trainings have been done around the regions in the world and it makes sense to partner with them and extend collaboration in this area. This is sustainable and RALOs can be made aware of where these trainings are taking place and encourage regional participation whenever there is training near them.
The ICANN Academy initiative is also an excellent initiative.
Web Based Platform
It may be worthwhile to explore existing web based platforms and how they are utilised to enable a suitable means within which members within the respective RALOs can build capacity in line with ICANN’s mission and objectives. This involves harnessing the internet and utilising web based platforms to empower communities. The advantage of this is that you can have multiple trainings across jurisdictions without leaving the comfort of one’s home and yet accessing trainings in a flexible manner.
This can involve identifying web based platforms:-
Content is developed along with course modules and specialists on various subjects selected to assist with the development of the curriculum.
Current RALO Penetration Rate
I had prepared these statistics based on my request for figures on the mailing list and LACRALO is the only one with the updated statistics from their dashboard. They need to be updated and were as recent as before Christmas but gives us a general idea of spread. Once the dashboard is updated, I want to do an indepth analysis of reach. I do not intend to claim to know the challenges that exist for the other RALOs and this is merely to discuss reach. The other point is that ICANN counts both countries and territories. For example in the Pacific, we have 22 countries and territories and 16 of these are independent nation states but if we go by way of ccTLDs issues, they include Territories. Using the Pacific for example this includes American Samoa etc.
APRALO Challenges
APRALO is working towards “Inreach” and “Outreach” within its regions. Whilst there are 73 countries within APRALO, only 16 countries and territories have accredited At Large Structures. This represents 21.92% penetration into the APRALO region.
There are challenges with getting Iranians, Pakistanis and Burmese visiting certain jurisdictions. There are also visa challenges for instance a Nepali Passport Holder has trouble getting into Macau (澳門) from Hong Kong or China. For countries in the Pacific that fall within the Asia Pacific region, the cost of transportation is exorbitant.
We see the ICANN Academy as something that existing members of APRALO from as far as Lebanon, Iran, Pakistan, India, China, Japan, Korea, Cambodia, Nepal to Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Tuvalu etc that people can go through training programmes to assimilate quickly into the ICANN ecosystem and effectively and meaningfully contribute to ICANN policy processes.
AFRALO Challenges
Of the 54 countries and territories within the AFRALO region only 15 countries and territories have accredited At Large Structures. This represents 27.78% penetration rate into the AFRALO region.
LACRALO Challenges
Of the 33 countries and territories, 15 countries and territories have accredited At Large Structures. This represents 45.45% penetration rate into the LACRALO region.
NARALO Challenges
Of the 51 countries and territories within the Americas only 3 countries and Territories have accredited At Large Structures. This represents 5.66% penetration rate into the NARALO region.
EURALO Challenges
Of the 76 countries and territories within the EURALO region only 14 countries have accredited At Large Structures. This represents 18.42% penetration rate into the EURALO region.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond
Wow Sala, that's impressive. Thanks!
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro
You are welcome. :)