Notes on APAC Space Data Privacy & Protection subgroup Coordination Call 

Friday, 6 October 2017, 12:00PM (SGT) / 04:00 (UTC)


Call Attendees

Amrita Choudhury

Holly Raiche

Jia-Rong Low (ICANN)

Joyce Chen (ICANN)

Michael Flemming

Philadel Yeo (ICANN)

Rajiv Kumar

Satish Babu

Below are the following action items to note:

1.Plan for APAC Space @ ICANN60

We propose that the subgroup will have 20 minutes to present during APAC Space @ ICANN60, followed by 10 minutes of community discussion. Below is the proposed breakdown for the programme which will be included into the overall APAC Space agenda: 

  • Update on ICANN Registration Directory Services (RDS) Working Group by Holly Raiche (10 mins)
    • Update regarding legal advice received vis-à-vis EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
    • Holly to prepare presentation slides
  • Update on GDPR discussions (10 mins, speaker TBC)
    • Joyce to reach out to Sebastien Ducos for advice on who would be suitable to present

2.What this subgroup wants to discuss (post-ICANN60)

  • The subgroup will meet after ICANN60 in the week of 13 November 2017 to discuss location-specific issues related to data privacy and protection.
    • Joyce to reach out to Chester Soong (ISOC HK) and Kuo-Wei (for Taiwan lawyer) on the speakers’ availability to present to the subgroup on local data protection in the week of 13 November 2017.
    • It was also agreed that this meeting will be a kick-off discussion and the subgroup will work on adding more location-specific discussions thereafter.


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