08:43:39 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Welcome to APRALO ICANN80 Read-out taking place on Thursday, 27 June 2024 at 06:00 UTC.
08:43:48 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Agenda: https://community.icann.org/x/KoDFF
08:58:35 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
We have 74 registered for this session
08:59:53 From Bikram Shrestha to Everyone:
09:00:08 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
Zakir joing in minute
09:01:05 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Zakir has joined
09:01:10 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Reacted to "Zakir has joined" with
09:01:11 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Reacted to "Zakir has joined" with
09:01:34 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Wishing all a very warm welcome to the APRALO ICANN80 readout. Thank you for joining!
09:02:17 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
welcome everyone to this call..
09:02:26 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
Reacted to "welcome everyone to ..." with
09:02:29 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
Reacted to "Wishing all a very w..." with
09:02:30 From Nur Adlin Hanisah Shahul Ikram to Everyone:
Reacted to "welcome everyone to ..." with
09:02:31 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
welcome Zakir Seyd
09:02:32 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Please feel free to comment on chat or ask questions
09:02:38 From Faheem Soomro to Everyone:
Reacted to "Wishing all a very w…" with
09:02:40 From barkha manral to Everyone:
Reacted to "welcome everyone to ..." with
09:02:42 From Faheem Soomro to Everyone:
Reacted to "welcome everyone to …" with
09:02:50 From Mary Rose Ofianga to Everyone:
Halo everyone!!!
09:03:20 From Muhammad Altaf to Everyone:
Reacted to "Wishing all a very w..." with
09:03:45 From Nabeel Yasin Amin to Everyone:
Hello Everyone , nice to see you all
09:04:22 From MAUD ADJELEY ASHONG ELLIOT to Everyone:
09:04:34 From barkha manral to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hello" with
09:04:39 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Agenda page with bios: https://community.icann.org/display/APRALO/2024-06-27+APRALO+ICANN80+Readout
09:04:42 From Ashrafur Rahman Piaus to Everyone:
Hello Everyone
09:04:51 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
Reacted to "Agenda page with bio..." with
09:05:28 From Amine HACHA to Everyone:
Hi all
09:05:43 From Nur Adlin Hanisah Shahul Ikram to Everyone:
Hello, everyone!☺️
09:05:43 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Monsoon has set in, in some parts of India, but not for all of us :)
09:05:55 From Winthrop Yu (Philippines) to Everyone:
Reacted to "Monsoon has set in,..." with
09:06:22 From Sana Nisar to Everyone:
Hello Everyone!
09:06:28 From Sana Nisar to Everyone:
Reacted to Agenda page with bio... with
09:06:37 From Faheem Soomro to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hello Everyone! " with
09:09:38 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
I am loosing her audio
09:09:45 From Mohammad Kawsar Uddin to Everyone:
Internet problem
09:09:58 From Ali AlMeshal to Everyone:
Yes we lost her
09:10:04 From Sarai Tevita to Everyone:
no audio from Fidya
09:10:16 From Hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
Yes no audio from her
09:10:28 From Hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
Okay we hear you
09:13:31 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
09:14:53 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
Reacted to "Agenda page with bio..." with
09:24:26 From Gopal Tadepalli to Everyone:
Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, Russia published a very interesting report on ICANN80 at: https://cctld.ru/en/media/news/kc/36458/ Please note the nice mention of the attendee statistics. What are the ICANN Official Statistics? - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University, Chennai, INDIA
09:26:15 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
If anyone has a question for the speakers, please share it in the chat
09:28:45 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
I will be breaking after this round for questions from the floor or between our panelists
09:29:57 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
@Tomslin Samme-Nlar welcome !
09:30:12 From Tomslin Samme-Nlar to Everyone:
Thank you Shah
09:30:49 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Tomslin I will move to you next for a bundle of Q 1 and 2
09:31:19 From Zakir S to Everyone:
Dear al: the GAC communique for icann80. https://gac.icann.org/advice/communiques/public/ICANN80%20Kigali%20Communique.pdf?language_id=1
09:31:28 From Zakir S to Everyone:
As discussed.
09:32:01 From Zakir S to Everyone:
Reacted to "welcome Zakir Seyd" with
09:32:07 From Zakir S to Everyone:
Reacted to "Zakir has joined" with
09:32:27 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
just glad you have been able to join us :-)
09:33:24 From Zakir S to Everyone:
Reacted to "just glad you have b…" with
09:43:36 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Please contemplate what questions (or comments) you would like to make in a short interactive section of today's proceedings that we will start right after Satish's current intervention...
09:46:07 From Bukola Oronti to Everyone:
Reacted to just glad you have b... with
09:46:18 From Bukola Oronti to Everyone:
Removed a reaction from "just glad you have b..."
09:46:26 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Fellows at Kigali please feel free to share your comments
09:46:29 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
Feel free to ask
09:46:33 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
Reacted to "Fellows at Kigali pl..." with
09:47:48 From Gopal Tadepalli to Everyone:
@Satish Babu Thanks for the persisting efforts on IDNs.
09:49:22 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
Reacted to "@Satish Babu Thanks ..." with
09:50:12 From Kossi Amessinou to Everyone:
Policy development is one concept very difficult to clarify for more people coming from end users group. How far they can contribute on Policy development process ? Many local NGO like NGO women be free in Benin look for support to provide more capacity build for laddies and women coming from not connected area.
09:51:35 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Shabbir - this capacity building are for GAC members mostly but others can also attend
09:53:18 From YingChu Chen to Everyone:
Reacted to "Policy development i..." with
09:53:21 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
Congratulations and thank you to all our speakers takeaways and involvement.. looking forward for all your continued engagement within your affiliated ACs, SCs, etc..
09:53:32 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
Reacted to "Congratulations and ..." with
09:53:38 From Mohammad Abdul Haque to Everyone:
Reacted to Congratulations and ... with
09:53:39 From Mohammad Abdul Haque to Everyone:
Removed a reaction from "Congratulations and ..."
09:53:42 From Mohammad Abdul Haque to Everyone:
Reacted to Congratulations and ... with
09:53:51 From Nabeel Yasin Amin to Everyone:
Reacted to @Satish Babu Thanks ... with
09:54:14 From Nabeel Yasin Amin to Everyone:
Reacted to Congratulations and ... with
09:54:50 From barkha manral to Everyone:
Reacted to "Congratulations and ..." with
09:55:34 From Gopal Tadepalli to Everyone:
@Kossi Amessinou We get valuable Usability aspects that may be useful for policy development from the End - Users [ideally categories of End - Users]. - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University, Chennai, INDIA
09:55:49 From Muhammad Shabbir to Everyone:
Thanks both
09:55:58 From Athena Foo - ICANN Org to Everyone:
09:56:07 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
Reacted to "https://www.icann.or..." with
09:56:59 From Nabeel Yasin Amin to Everyone:
Reacted to https://www.icann.or... with
09:57:31 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Reacted to "https://www.icann.or..." with
09:57:50 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
You are muted Gopal
09:58:02 From Sana Nisar to Everyone:
Reacted to https://www.icann.or... with
09:58:27 From Gopal Tadepalli to Everyone:
I am switching to text. Sorry
09:59:28 From Faheem Soomro to Everyone:
Reacted to "https://www.icann.or…" with
10:00:55 From Winthrop Yu (Philippines) to Everyone:
Reacted to "Congratulations and ..." with
10:01:30 From Gopal Tadepalli to Everyone:
@Tomslin Samme-Nlar Thanks for mentioning the discussion on commercial software and open / free software. Economics indicates that open source warrants five times development on the existing and commercial only three times. Is there a standard method of costing Software within ICANN ? - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University, Chennai, INDIA
10:02:41 From YingChu Chen to Everyone:
Reacted to "Congratulations and ..." with
10:03:13 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
@Tomslin Samme-Nlar if you have a response for @Gopal Tadepalli please do type it here for the record
10:03:24 From Tomslin Samme-Nlar to Everyone:
Reacted to "@Tomslin Samme-Nlar ..." with
10:03:28 From barkha manral to Everyone:
I attended ICANN80 Policy forum as a fellow, as a returning fellow this time it was an enriching journey for me. Get the chance to involve myself more and come out with fruitful informations. I attended SSAC open sessions as an observer, At-large session, but the session I like the most was DNS Woman.
Being an Alumni Fellow it was an informative, learning and engaging session for me and it is always very warm and joyful to be in ICANN meeting and getting chance to attend sessions.
10:03:53 From Gopal Tadepalli to Everyone:
I am able to listen to all the speakers very clearly.
10:03:58 From Faheem Soomro to Everyone:
Reacted to "I attended ICANN80 P…" with
10:04:02 From YingChu Chen to Everyone:
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10:04:03 From Muhammad Altaf to Everyone:
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10:04:04 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
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10:04:13 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
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10:04:19 From Jesse Nathan Kalange to Everyone:
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10:04:41 From Siranush Vardanyan - ICANN org to Everyone:
Reacted to "I attended ICANN80 P..." with
10:04:58 From Jasmine Ko to Everyone:
Reacted to "I attended ICANN80 P..." with
10:05:07 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
Replying to "I attended ICANN80 P..."
Hello Barkha.. I wil...
10:05:08 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Reacted to "I attended ICANN80 P..." with
10:05:25 From Sana Nisar to Everyone:
Reacted to I attended ICANN80 P... with
10:05:30 From barkha manral to Everyone:
Reacted to "Hello Barkha.. I wil..." with
10:05:36 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Any other fellow, wants to share their takeaways?
10:06:06 From barkha manral to Everyone:
Replying to "I attended ICANN80 P..."
Hi Aris, good to hear from u. Looking forward to hearing from you.
10:06:12 From YingChu Chen to Everyone:
Replying to "I attended ICANN80 P..."
I think to understanding the rules of disscussion is important. If you have some experiences with related industries will be better to attend the meeting.
10:06:24 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
RALO leaders here, would you want to share your views?
10:08:17 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
Reacted to Hi Aris, good to hea... with
10:08:48 From Tomslin Samme-Nlar to Everyone:
Hi @Gopal Tadepalli thanks for the question. What I was referring to was applied for domain strings/names and the potential of a commercial and non-commercial ones going into the same contention set and the concern that the non-commercial ones would not stand a chance if it went into an auction of last resort
10:08:53 From Shita Laksmi to Everyone:
Apologies; I need to excuse myself due to work commitment. Thank you for the session.
10:09:01 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Reacted to "Apologies; I need to..." with
10:09:23 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
Replying to "Apologies; I need to..."
Thank you for joining !
10:09:49 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
+1 Cheryl
10:11:25 From Gopal Tadepalli to Everyone:
@Tomslin Samme-Nlar Many thanks for the clarification. - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University, Chennai, INDIA
10:11:36 From Gopal Tadepalli to Everyone:
I am leaving now.
10:11:49 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Replying to "I am leaving now."
Thank you for joinug Gopal
10:13:16 From Winthrop Yu (Philippines) to Everyone:
Reacted to "Apologies; I need to..." with
10:13:17 From Muhammad Shabbir to Everyone:
Have to leave for another meeting
10:13:29 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy to Everyone:
Not all enduser concerns are addressed in a broad framework,; Just as the GNSO provides an umbrella for NCSG and NPOC, is it possible that AtLarge / ALAC could encourage focused concerns such as global consumer concerns with a subgroup such as "Global Consumer Group", for example?
10:13:47 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
Replying to "Have to leave for an..."
Thank you for Joining !
10:15:52 From Winthrop Yu (Philippines) to Everyone:
Reacted to "Not all enduser conc..." with
10:16:38 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Replying to "Not all enduser conc..."
Anything is possible I suppose @Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, but that concept was not part of the Policy workshopping at ICANN80; perhaps something to bring to a future Holistic Review of as contribution to part of an entities Continuous Improvement Program
10:20:03 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy to Everyone:
@Cheryl one way to explore this (with a view to bring it for a holistic review) is to informally ask some of the ALAC / former ALAc / RALO members with some background or specific interest in competition / consumer affairs, for e.g, ( without permission) Evan or Carlton
10:21:04 From Winthrop Yu (Philippines) to Everyone:
Reacted to "@Cheryl one way to e..." with
10:22:35 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy to Everyone:
Consumer concerns that directly stem from the commercial aspects of the DNS + + Consumer affairs arising from the online space for all endusers, not just registrants
10:22:51 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Reacted to "Consumer concerns th..." with
10:23:43 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
Lets ready all to have a group photo
10:24:04 From Mohammad Abdul Haque to Everyone:
Need to DNS Cyber security capacity building for national label
10:24:14 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
Reacted to "Need to DNS Cyber se..." with
10:24:22 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
Reacted to "Lets ready all to ha..." with
10:24:28 From maureen hilyard to Everyone:
Excellent session
10:25:12 From YingChu Chen to Everyone:
Reacted to "Excellent session" with
10:25:14 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
@Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org pls cna take
10:25:47 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Photo taken, thank you
10:26:00 From Zakir S to Everyone:
Reacted to "Photo taken, thank y…" with
10:26:01 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Thanks Yesim
10:26:03 From Tomslin Samme-Nlar to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thanks Yesim" with
10:26:06 From Jasmine Ko to Everyone:
Reacted to "Photo taken, thank y..." with
10:26:08 From Faheem Soomro to Everyone:
Reacted to "Photo taken, thank y…" with
10:26:10 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
Reacted to "Photo taken, thank y..." with
10:26:12 From Winthrop Yu (Philippines) to Everyone:
Reacted to "Photo taken, thank y..." with
10:26:14 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
Thanks a lot Yesim!
10:26:14 From Bukola Oronti to Everyone:
Reacted to Photo taken, thank y... with
10:26:17 From Mohammad Abdul Haque to Everyone:
Reacted to Need to DNS Cyber se... with
10:26:19 From barkha manral to Everyone:
Reacted to "Photo taken, thank y..." with
10:26:19 From Mohammad Abdul Haque to Everyone:
Removed a reaction from "Need to DNS Cyber se..."
10:26:22 From Siranush Vardanyan - ICANN org to Everyone:
Great session by APRALO as always and happy to see many fellows joining
10:26:23 From Bukola Oronti to Everyone:
Reacted to Excellent session with
10:26:26 From Faheem Soomro to Everyone:
Reacted to "Great session by APR…" with
10:26:27 From barkha manral to Everyone:
Reacted to "Great session by APR..." with
10:26:27 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
Reacted to "Photo taken, thank y..." with
10:26:30 From Hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
Reacted to "Great session by APR..." with
10:26:33 From Juliana Harsianti to Everyone:
Reacted to "Photo taken, thank y…" with
10:26:34 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
Reacted to "Great session by APR..." with
10:26:36 From Winthrop Yu (Philippines) to Everyone:
Reacted to "Great session by APR..." with
10:26:42 From Jasmine Ko to Everyone:
Reacted to "Great session by APR..." with
10:26:45 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Thank you to the speakers, Cheryl and Shah for this session.
10:26:46 From Ashirwad Tripathy to Everyone:
Reacted to "Great session by APR..." with
10:26:51 From Hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
Reacted to "Photo taken, thank y..." with
10:26:57 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Thanks everyone for participating in this session.
10:26:59 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
Thank you everyone. A pleasure to share with you :)
10:27:03 From Faheem Soomro to Everyone:
Very insightful session, thank you all August members.
10:27:05 From Zakir S to Everyone:
Reacted to "Great session by APR…" with
10:27:20 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
Thank you all Speakers and Participates,
10:27:20 From Bukola Oronti to Everyone:
Reacted to Great session by APR... with
10:27:24 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thanks a lot Yesim! " with
10:27:26 From Faheem Soomro to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thank you all Speake…" with
10:27:28 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thanks Yesim" with
10:27:32 From Bukola Oronti to Everyone:
Reacted to Thanks everyone for ... with
10:27:36 From Faheem Soomro to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thanks everyone for …" with
10:27:36 From Juliana Harsianti to Everyone:
Thank you for the speakers and organizers. Great session
10:27:38 From Bukola Oronti to Everyone:
Reacted to Thank you to the spe... with
10:28:02 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
Thank you so much! As always, great session and great takeaways from everyone! Hope to see you all again in the next Readout!
10:28:03 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Thank you to our great speakers and to everyone for joining and making this an interactive session. Always a pleasure!
10:28:09 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thank you to our gre..." with
10:28:13 From barkha manral to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thank you to our gre..." with
10:28:13 From Ashirwad Tripathy to Everyone:
Thank you all. Great readout session.
10:28:13 From Faheem Soomro to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thank you so much! A…" with
10:28:14 From Ali AlMeshal to Everyone:
Thank you all , great session , moderator and speakers
10:28:15 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thank you so much! A..." with
10:28:17 From Faheem Soomro to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thank you to our gre…" with
10:28:19 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Please keep the momentum going
10:28:22 From Sana Nisar to Everyone:
Thank you all
10:28:24 From Phyo Thiri Lwin to Everyone:
Reacted to "Photo taken, thank y..." with
10:28:26 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
Reacted to Thank you to our gre... with
10:28:30 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thank you all. Great..." with
10:28:39 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thank you all , grea..." with
10:28:48 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
Reacted to Thank you so much! A... with
10:28:50 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
Removed a reaction from "Thank you so much! A..."
10:28:54 From Shah Zahidur Rahman to Everyone:
@Cheryl Langdon-Orr you're awesome !!
10:28:55 From Satish Babu to Everyone:
Thanks Cheryl and all speakers...Thanks and bye!!
10:28:57 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thank you all Speake..." with
10:29:01 From Faheem Soomro to Everyone:
Reacted to "@Cheryl Langdon-Orr …" with
10:29:05 From Winthrop Yu (Philippines) to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thanks everyone for ..." with
10:29:08 From Jasmine Ko to Everyone:
Thanks everyoneeeee
10:29:46 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thanks Cheryl and al..." with
10:29:54 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thanks everyoneeeee" with
10:30:13 From Fidya Shabrina to Everyone:
Reacted to "Please keep the mome..." with
10:30:23 From Muhammad Altaf to Everyone:
Reacted to "Great session by APR…" with
10:30:25 From Muhammad Altaf to Everyone:
Reacted to "Great session by APR…" with
10:30:29 From Hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
Thank you all
10:30:33 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
Thanks Yesim and Gisella
10:30:38 From Bukola Oronti to Everyone:
Thank you APRALO
10:30:39 From Hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
We enjoyed it indeed
10:30:40 From Phyo Thiri Lwin to Everyone:
Thanks everyone!
10:30:41 From YingChu Chen to Everyone:
Thank you
10:30:41 From Hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
10:30:41 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
And thank you to our wonderful Moderator!
10:30:42 From Phyo Thiri Lwin to Everyone:
10:30:42 From Tomslin Samme-Nlar to Everyone:
Bye all
10:30:49 From maureen hilyard to Everyone:
Thank you Cheryl
10:30:53 From Kalpesh Chaudhari to Everyone:
Thank and byee
10:30:54 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy to Everyone:
Thank you
At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Program (ARPEP)
At-Large Review Implementation Plan Development