The current Operating Principles set the Quorum as follow:
- A quorum at any AFRALO Meeting shall be one third (1/3) of the Members, or seven (7) members, whichever shall be greater.
- The quorum for any vote of the members, whether held during a Meeting or at any other time, shall be a simple majority of the whole Membership.
- At any meeting where at least one half (1/2) of members are present, a motion to amend, change, or repeal the Operating Principles may be initiated. Two-thirds of the whole membership must consent for the motion to carry.
I don't think we can accept that a meeting can be quorate with only 7 members are attending over the 52 today total number of AFRALO ALSes. I believe that we should stick to 1/3 (which is today 18 members).
For the record, this quorum is for the meeting to deliberate. The decisions will be taken by simple majority of the whole membership (today 26 over 52) .
Baudouin Schombe
The idea is tenable and will be justified by the dynamism of the participating members. This procedure can also be used as evaluation indicators.
Baudouin Schombe
A proposal with regard to the quorum
I propose:
1. a statistic is drawn up to know the total number of Als since Afralo's existence;
2.End the Active Als since the existence of Afralo and the Inactive Als
3. initiate the procedure of decertification in the case where the concerned Als is not explained.
This will make it possible to specify the required quorum.
Seun Ojedeji
Tijani Ben Jemaa
When this review is adopted:
Seun Ojedeji