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1) Your Name:

Julien Chaisse

Personal Profile Picture/Image (Optional):

2) Stakeholder Group:Non-Commercial

3) Constituency:

Non-Commercial Users (NCUC)

4) ICANN Affiliation (if not covered by item 2 or 3):

5) Please identify your current employer(s):

City University of Hong Kong

6) Please identify your current position(s):

Professor of Law

7) Please identify the type(s) of work performed:

See Q13

8) Please identify your declared country of primary residence (e.g., country to which you pay taxes):

Hong Kong SAR

9) Please list any financial relationship beyond de minimis stock ownership you may have with any company that to your knowledge has a financial relationship or contract with ICANN:


10) Do you believe you are participating in the GNSO policy process as a representative of any individual or entity, whether paid or unpaid?

If the answer is “Yes,” please provide the name of the represented individual or entity. (If professional ethical obligations prevent you from disclosing this information, please enter "Private"):
11) Please identify any other relevant arrangements, interests, or benefits as requested in the following two questions:

a) Do you have any type of material interest in ICANN GNSO policy development processes and outcomes?


If the answer is “yes,” please describe the material interest in ICANN GNSO policy development processes and outcomes:

b) Are there any arrangements/agreements between you and any other group, constituency or person(s) regarding your participation as a work team member?


If the answer is “yes,” please describe the arrangements/agreements and the name of the group, constituency, or person(s):

12) Please identify any Working Groups or other chartered teams in which you are participating (include acronyms, if applicable):

13) Additional Information (optional):

Dr. Julien Chaisse is Professor at the City University of Hong Kong, School of Law. He is an award-winning scholar of international law with a focus on the regulation and development of economic globalization. He has published numerous well-regarded and widely cited books and articles, and his scholarship has been cited by international courts/tribunals, as well as U.S. Courts. Dr. Chaisse’s teaching and research include international trade/investment law, contract law, international arbitration, and Internet law. Dr. Chaisse served as a senior fellow at the World Trade Institute (Switzerland), lecturer at elite school Sciences Po Aix (France), and as a diplomat for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Embassy of France in India).

Dr. Chaisse is an active member of the World Economic Forum (“Tax and Globalization Working Group” and “Global Future Council on International Trade and Investment”). Dr. Chaisse serves as Director of the Dot Trademark Policy Committee (DTPC), co-founder of the Internet Intellectual Property Institute (IIPI), and Member of the Hong Kong’s Government Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance). 

Dr. Chaisse is also an experienced arbitrator and a sought-after consultant/expert to international organizations, governments, law firms, and private investors. He has advised international organizations and governments on private and public international law issues (including WTO accession, international trade law, state and international organization immunities) and assisted with the drafting of legislation in Austria, Azerbaijan, Canada, Côte d'Ivoire, France, Pakistan, and Vietnam.

14) Page last revised:


SOI Template v5 (6 Feb 2014)

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