
Board directs President and CEO to post for public comment the proposed amendments to the ICANN Bylaws regarding the Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC).


Whereas, in Resolution 2011.01.25.10, the Board approved the RSSAC review final report implementation steps and instructed the Structural Improvements Committee (SIC), in coordination with staff, to provide the Board with a final implementation plan to address the RSSAC review final recommendations and conclusions.

Whereas, in July and August 2012, a working group of RSSAC and SIC members was formed to draft a revised RSSAC charter in order to meet the requirements of the final RSSAC review recommendations. The RSSAC Charter is set forth within the ICANN Bylaws at Article XI, Section 2.3.

Whereas, on 4 December 2012, the SIC reviewed the proposed Bylaws revisions and recommended that the suggested changes to Article XI, Section 2.3 be posted for public comment.

Resolved (2012.12.20.08), the Board directs the ICANN President and CEO to post for public comment the proposed changes to Article XI, Section 2.3 of the ICANN Bylaws that are necessary to modify the charter for the RSSAC in line with the recommendations arising out of the organizational review of the RSSAC.

Implementation Actions


These ICANN Bylaws amendments will clarify the continuing purpose of the Root Server Advisory Committee (RSSAC). They were recommended by the joint RSSAC-SIC Working Group formed to conclude the implementation of the RSSAC review WG final report: implementation steps [PDF, 448 KB], approved by the Board on 25 January 2011. The posting of the proposed amendments for public comment will have no budgetary impact, nor will it require additional staff resources.

The approval of posting of Bylaws for public comment is an Organizational Administrative Function not requiring public comment in advance.

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