New Meeting Strategy Working Group to be Launched

11 February 2013

ICANN has committed to identifying ICANN Meeting locations two years in advance.

After consideration that adoption of a prior Consolidated Meetings Strategy proposal was not timely, the Public Participation Committee (PPC) initiated work to create a working group to address the meeting location strategy which was presented to the ICANN Board for approval in February 2013.

In line with the Board resolution adopted on February the 2nd 2013, ICANN is creating a new Meeting Strategy Working Group and now invites interested individuals to apply for Volunteer Member positions – in representation of a Supporting Organization or Advisory Committee – to serve on the Meeting Strategy Working Group.

The successful operation of ICANN's public meetings in all of the geographic regions is an important part of ICANN's accountability and transparency efforts. The action today will allow community members to serve alongside Board members and staff in helping to develop a meetings strategy that will align with community needs, while taking into account the fiscal and facility requirements for these meetings.

The mandate and Mission of Meeting Strategy Working Group as defined in the MSWG Charter is as follows: to discuss and propose strategy for the structure, purpose and locations for ICANN Public Meetings and conferences, starting in 2015.

More information

How to Apply

How to Apply for the Position of Volunteer Member for the MSWG

Interested individuals are invited to provide the following:

Candidatures should be emailed to (please cc to

The list of all candidates will be published on the ICANN website.


Candidatures will be accepted until Sunday, 3 March 2013 – 23:59 UTC.

Proposed Schedule of the Meeting Strategy Working Group, including reporting requirements:

•   Call for candidates: 12 February 2013 – 3 March 2013,

•   Applications send to the relevant AC or SO: 4 March 2013,

•   List of applicants supported by the relevant SO and AC send to the selectors: 14 March 2013,

•   Publication of the list of the members of the MSWG: 20 March 2013,

•   First meeting of the MSWG: week of 25 March 2013,

•   Discussion in Beijing,


Meeting Strategy Working Group Applications Received Workspace