
Board approves ISC/ICANN Mutual Responsibilities Agreement and resolves that the CEO should seek to conclude similar agreements with other root server operators. 


Whereas, effective root server operations are an essential component in providing a stable and secure, globally interoperable Internet;

Whereas Internet Systems Consortium, ISC, is one of twelve global root server operators and the first to enter into an agreement with ICANN;

Whereas this MRA outlines a structure and description of duties and expectations, dispute resolution, and interchange of technical information between ISC and ICANN;

Whereas formalized expectations between ICANN and root operators will result in a wider understanding of the key operational and stability issues of most concern to the root operator community and the Internet community as a whole;

Whereas this MRA is another important step in coordinating the key entities in providing domain name service, and ensuring that mutual accountabilities are documented and transparent;

It is hereby resolved (2008.01.03) that the ISC/ICANN Mutual Responsibilities Agreement is approved. It is further resolved that ICANN's CEO should seek to conclude similar agreements with other root server operators.

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